Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

Take A Breath, I Pull Myself Together

A large breath of air escaped through Frank’s lips as he leaned against his locker. He, for the third time, glanced down the hall at Evelyn’s locker. She wasn’t late, she just wasn’t here yet. It was times like these that he wished he had a watch. He had wanted to make sure she was feeling okay and to find out if her parents find out that he had lied. Upon her entering his thoughts again, he sighed again.

“I highly doubt the fact that you and Eva skipped the rest of school on Friday is just a coincidence.”

He rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Go away, Muffie.”

“Just stating the obvious.” She snapped, glaring at him.

“Well, I don’t need you to.” He shot, eyes hardening. “Why don’t you go flirt with Trent or something besides bothering me.”

She glanced sideways. “Fine.” She wasn’t three feet from her last spot before she turned around. “Your play toy is here, by the way.” She smirked, pointing down the hall, before walking away.

Frank mocked her before looking down the hall to see Evelyn by her locker. A smile made it’s way onto his face as he took a step towards her. He quickly froze when she was engulfed into a hug from Trent. His eyes hardened even more as he leaned back against his locker.

What had he expected? To be able to just go up to her and act like her best friend? They were on a different social class, anyway. She wouldn’t want to be dragged down to his level just because he decided he wanted to be her friend.

He looked up at the sound of the bell. He looked one last time over to her locker. She was looking at him and not paying attention to whatever Trent was saying. Upon being caught, she blushed. Frank grinned in her direction, causing her blush to become noticeable, but also the fact that she wasn’t paying attention to become noticeable, as well. Trent’s eyes followed her and he glared at Frank. He said something to Evelyn before stalking off, causing a sadness to erupt inside Evelyn.

He shoved himself off his locker and walked beside Evelyn to their art class. “Hey.” He said nervously.

She smiled at him. “Hello.”

“How are you feeling?” His hazel eyes held concern as the entered the room.

“Pretty good, to be honest with you.” She replied, sitting down.

“Did your parents find out anything?” He sat next to her.

She shook her head. “Nope. They didn’t question me about it.” She smiled again.

He looked down at her wristband. “You’re still wearing it?” He asked, a smile on his face.

She nodded, grinning. “Sure am.”


He looked up to see Mr. Miller staring at him. He motioned him to come her. “Uh, I’ll be right back.” He said, not bothering to take his eyes off Mr. Miller as he got out of his seat. He walked towards him, knowing exactly what this was about.

“You remember the deal on Friday.” Mr. Miller muttered, staring back at his class.

“Yeah,” He sighed, looking back Evelyn who stared at them curiously.

“Well?” Mr. Miller asked, crossing his arms.

Frank smiled at him. “I was really wrong about her. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and she’s way to selfless.” He looked back at her, causing her to blush again. “I really like her.”

Mr. Miller smiled. “Well, that’s a lot better than I expected.” He rolled his eyes, the smile still on his face. “Go sit down, Frank.”

“Gladly.” He walked back to his desk and a curious Evelyn.

“Is everything okay?” She asked, knitting her eyebrows together.

“Just perfect.”


Frank stared plainly at the wall in front of him. He didn't really have any friends at Queen Of Peace, most of his friends went to other schools in the area, so he usually sat alone during lunch time. He rubbed the back of his neck, pushing the tray of food away from him. He wasn't all that hungry today, he was feeling kinda down. He looked up when someone walked past him and stood in front of him. Evelyn.

“Can I sit with you?" She asked, her lips turning up at one side.

He stared at her dumbfounded. “Um, yeah, sure."

“Thanks." She breathed, sitting in front of him.

“Why aren't you sitting with Muffie or whoever you usually sit with?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

She stared at her tray pathetically. “Muffie banned me from or table for being such a rebel." She muttered.

He laughed. “You? A rebel?" He shook his head. “Hate to burst your bubble, Easter, but you are not a rebel. I'm sure."

She sighed, putting her head in her hand. “She says I'm ‘acting out' since I skipped school and I'm violating the dress code for school."

“How are you violating the dress code?" He asked, raising an eye-brow. He didn't wear the schools shoes, but they nobody ever said anything.

She held up her wrist. “‘It's stupid and ugly. Take it off or you can't sit here anymore.'" She said, quoting Muffie.

Frank laughed bitterly. “God, she's such a bitch." He shook his head, looking towards the table. “Why don't you sit with Trent?"

“Oh, no." She shook her head, laughing lightly. “Trent and I don't sit together. He sits with his friends and I sit with mine."

He snorted. “Well, that's dumb. I would sit with my girlfriend everyday at lunch."

She cocked her head to the side. “Do you have a girlfriend, Frank?"

He shook his head. “Nah. Not many girls like me."

“I'm sure someone likes you." She rolled her eyes.

“Nope. I doubt it." He shrugged. “I'm not exactly the greatest guy." He laughed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck.

She blushed. “As hard as it might be for you to accept this, you're a pretty charming and attractive guy." She shrugged.

His face heated up as he stared at her. “Thanks." He quickly looked down. “I wish other people thought that."

“Like I said, I'm sure someone does. There is a soul mate for everyone, right?" She shrugged again.

He looked up, shaking his head. “I don't believe that."

She narrowed her eyes. “You don't? Why not?"

He shrugged. “Because, it just doesn't seem real or anything. I should have found mine already, ya' know. You have Trent and I ain't got squat."

“Just because you don't have anyone yet, doesn't mean you don't have a soul mate. Plus," her voice got softer. “I don't think Trent's my soul mate." She shook her head. “I never did."

“But, still. I just don't believe in all that lovey-dovey shit." He stared at her. “In the end, love sucks."

She shook her head. “I have to disagree with you there."

“Think about it, you find your so called ‘soul mate', you start dating, you get married, you have kids and then you get divorced and your child gets thrown in the middle. Heartbreak all around." He shrugged.

“When Frank was thirteen, his parents got divorced."

She stared at him. She remembered when Tim told her that, they were almost having the same conversation, only Frank disagreed with her about love and soul mates. His parent's divorce were probably the main reason he thought all those things. He was the child that had gotten thrown in the middle.

“So, when you think of love, you think of heartbreak?" She asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, pretty much. What do you think of?"

She sighed. “Complications."

He raised his eyebrows. “Really?"

She nodded. “Yeah, of course. Like you said, sometimes love can fall apart and it can be complicated then, in a bad way. But," She stared straight into his hazel eyes. “sometimes love can come through, and it can cause good complications."

“Like what?" He snorted.

“Like, happy complications. Like, wedding complications. What dress to choose or what flowers to pick out. Despite the fact that they are complications, they still revolve around a wedding; a ceremony where two people that love each other join together as one."

He shrugged. “You could be right, you could be wrong. But, you have to understand, these are my thoughts. They aren't supposed to be your same thoughts. I'm sure someone out there agrees with me."

She shook her head. “So, you don't want to get married or fall in love or anything like that?"

“No, not really. I'd rather just die alone or something." He stared at her, surprised to see the tears in her eyes.

She hadn't realized how badly this divorce had hurt him. He never really showed any emotion besides anger. “How can you think something like that?" She asked. He was driving her insane.

“I just do."

“Frank, despite whatever has happened, despite whatever you have done, you deserve someone to be happy with. No matter if you want one or not, you deserve one. You deserve one to love you and someone to make to make you smile by just being there or something like that. I know that you don’t believe in this stuff, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real, because it is.” She sniffed. “I feel so sorry for you because you think this.” She closed her eyes. “Love is real. Love is beautiful. Love is happiness. It has it’s downs, but there is always happy times and that’s why you fell in love in the first place. No matter what anyone says, everyone wants it sometime in there life. Even if you’re six, sixteen or sixty-six, you want it sometime.”

He shrugged, surprised she had said everything she had. “Well, I guess I just don’t want it yet.” He looked around. “We should go before we’re late.”

“Frank,” She said softly. He looked at her. “I just wan’t you to know, if there is ever anything you need to talk about or anything like that, I’ll be there.”

He smiled lightly, knowing she meant it. “Thanks. But, don’t expect me to come running to you, because I’m not a very open person.” He said as he stood up.

She stood up, too. “It’s okay. I just want you to know that, no matter who my friends are or who my boyfriend is, I’m always here to help.” She smiled at him.

“Good to know.” And, it truly was...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not in a very good mood today and I don't know why.
Anyway, just so you know, theseare not Jedda's outlooks on love. She's actually with Frank on this one. She was inspired to make Evelyn like this because I believe in this. So, just know, we aren't trying to make you believe something you dont want to.
On a side note: For those of you who are pretty much ready for Frank and Evelyn to get together, I'm really sorry for what i'm about to tell you.
This story is gonna be more than 25 chapters long. And, I'm almost positive that by chapter 25, Frank and Evelyn still wont be together.
That's just because when they do get together, there is a lot of together-ness and Jedda doesn't want you guys to get really sick of them being together. She wants to be able for something to happen first before the good part comes in.
(If you have ever seen Life On The Murder Scene, as Brian Schechter would say: Together-ness=Candyland)
Anyway, so, just out of curiosity, do you guys want me to ask if Jedda wants you to know if there is a sequel or not?
I don't even know if there is gonna be one, she's pretty secretive about his kinda shit.
I don't think there will be one, but I can ask.

*I'm not gonna name our commenters on this one because I kinda lost track of who comments on what chapter. But, we still fucking adore and love you all xD*