Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

Your Life Will Never Be The Same

“Are you alright?” Evelyn asked Frank as he leaned against his closed locker door. Her mind went back to the first time she had asked him that and he had snapped at her. She instantly regretted asking it.
“I think-yeah, we’re gonna have to skip.” He nodded his head while staring into the empty hallway.
“Skip what?” She asked, starting to worry about being late for her English class.
“The rest of the day.” Frank said, standing up.
“No, no, no, no. I can’t do that.” She shook her head, completely disagreeing.
“The plan is to leave today. If we don’t go to your house and pack your stuff, then we’ll have to leave tomorrow. We need to skip school and get your stuff ready for today.” Frank said, glaring at her. She wasn’t gonna ruin this for him.
“I’ve never skipped school in my life!” She exclaimed.
“Well, there’s a first for everything.” He smirked, enjoying the thought of ruining her flawless permanent record. He groaned when he got a disapproving look from her face. “Come on, don’t ruin this for me.” Hazel clashed with brown as he stared into her eyes.
She took a deep breath and looked down at her feet before looking back into his eyes. “I won’t.” She shook her head. “I just need to get my keys from my locker.”
“Well go get ‘em. I gotta call Neil and tell him about you coming with us.” He pulled out his cell phone and turned away from her.
Evelyn walked to the end of the hall and turned to her locker. She put in her combination - her sister’s birth date - and opened the locker. She stared at her keys hesitantly before grabbing them. She closed the locker and put her forehead against it. She had always done what was right and skipping school was crushing everything she had built.
What were her friends going to think when they heard the news that Evelyn Stewart skipped school? Muffie would hate her, well, more than she already did.
Frank shoved his phone in his pocket and locked at Evelyn. “Are you coming?” He shouted, obviously not caring about how she was feeling. She stood up and turned to face him. She nodded her head and followed him out the school doors. “You drive to your house and I’ll follow you there.”
“Okay.” She said weakly before turning to find her car.
Evelyn sighed in relief when she didn’t see a car in her driveway. Her mother would be appalled and her father would be outraged. She turned off her car and hopped out. She was panicking of what Frank would think about her house. He already thought she was a rotten witch. Now what would he think?
“Do you want to come inside?” She asked as Frank stepped out of his car, eyes fixed on the house.
Frank’s eyes darted to the door while Evelyn whipped around, almost being tackled by her sister.
“Gracie, what are you doing here?” She asked, steadying the 9-year-old.
“I’m not feeling good so mother let me stay home.” Gracie smiled and hugged her sister.
Evelyn froze. “Is she here?”
“No, the nanny just left. Mother’s on her way home.” Graclin looked at Frank. “Who’s that? Because that’s most defiantly not Trent.”
“No, honey, this is Frank.” She smiled quickly. “Um, go inside and get him some water, okay?”
“Yup.” She smiled at Frank. “Hi Frank. I’m Gracie.” She waved to him before running back inside.
“Okay, I’m gonna run upstairs and pack. You stall Gracie.” She turned around, but Frank grabbed her arm.
“Because, I can get it done faster and Gracie’s gonna bug me if she doesn’t have anyone else to talk to. My mom’s on her way home so we have to hurry.” They both went inside. Frank sat on the couch in there living room while Evelyn dashed up the stairs.
“I got your water.” Graclin called, walking into the living room.
“Um, thanks.” Frank took the glass of water as Graclin plopped on the couch next to him.
“So, how old are you?” Graclin asked, turning her attention towards him.
“Uh…17. You?” He awkwardly glanced her.
“I turned 9 in May. Do you have a job?”
“I work at my grandfather’s store.”
“What’s in the store?”
“It’s a refrigeration business.” Frank felt as if he was being interrogated.
“So, Frank what’s your last name?”
“Um…Iero. Why?”
“Tell me, are you the same Frank Iero that’s being a meanie head to Linnie?” Graclin stared at him the narrowed eyes.
“Um…you could say that?” He said. He looked down at his water, suddenly afraid she might have poisoned it. Frank could tell she did not like him.
“What’d Linnie ever do to you? As far as I’m concerned, you’re lucky she even looks at you.” She glared at him.
Frank snorted. “Look, I just don’t really like people like her.”
“Tell me Frank, what’s she like?”
“Okay, I’m ready.” Evelyn stood at the end of the stairs with a suitcase in her hand. For once, Frank felt relieved to see her. He set his water on the side table and stood up fro the couch. “Gracie, tell me you didn’t interrogate him.” Evelyn sighed, putting a hand over her eyes.
“I’m not promising squat.” She grabbed the glass of water and walked into the kitchen.
Frank stared at Evelyn as she mouth, ‘I’m so sorry’. He smirked and shook his head.
“Gracie, we’re gonna leave. Stay here and wait for mother, okay?” She asked. Gracie walked out of the kitchen and nodded. Evelyn bit her lip. “Don’t tell her we were here, please Gracie. I’m begging you.”
Gracie stared at her in shock. She nodded nervously. “I’d do anything for you, Linnie.” She smiled and ran towards her, embracing her sister in a hug.
“I know you would. I’m sorry I’m making you do this.” She kissed her sister’s forehead and hugged her back.
Frank smiled softly from the door. Graclin was asking all those questions because she simply adored her sister. He could see that Evelyn adored Graclin just the same. “Come on, Neil’s waiting for us.” He said from the door. Graclin glared at him.
Evelyn laughed, kissing her sister’s head again. “Don’t glare at him.” She stood up and walked with Frank out the door.
“I love you, Linnie!” She called, following them, but stopping on the deck.
“Love you too, Gracie.” She blew her sister a kiss before throwing her suitcase in her car and hopping in it herself.
Evelyn followed Frank’s car as they drove down the streets. They stopped at a house where a man was sitting on the grass. Frank got out of his car and the man stood up. Evelyn didn’t hear the greeting as she got out of her car.
“That her?” The man asked as Evelyn walked up to them.
“Sadly, yes.” Frank said, not caring that she was next to him.
“She doesn’t look like a rotten bitch.”
“Well, she is.” Frank said, smiling as a look of sadness and discomfort came to her face.
“I’m gonna go call Gracie.” Evelyn muttered, turning and walking back to her car.
“Yeah, you do that.” Frank muttered, pulling out his pack of cigarettes.
“What the hell, Frank? You gotta be an asshole to every girl you meet? No I see why you don’t have a girlfriend.” The man, Neil Sabatino said, whacking his friends arm.
“Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t want that rotten rich kid as my girlfriend.” Frank narrowed his eyes at Neil.
“I would. I think she’s pretty cute.” Neil said, looking at her by her car.
Frank blew the smoke from his mouth and rolled his eyes. “Gag me.”
“Are you saying she’s not cute?” Neil asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Her looks cover up how much of a bitch she is.” Frank muttered as she walked back towards.
“Be nice.” Neil warned quietly.
“Should I just keep my suitcase in my car or….?” She trailed off, her eyes on Frank.
“Neil, you explain all this shit to her, I’m tired of talking to her.” Frank walked away, his mind set on his friends couch…
♠ ♠ ♠
"Just a bang...and a clatter, as an angel...rams the ground. Just a bang...and a clatter, as an angel...hits the ground."
Seriously, you should check it out, it's really touching.
Anyway, Jedda suckered me into posting another chapter for everyone.
Damn girl!
Oh, I posted a picture of Muffie up there, btw.
"Green Light...Seven-Eleven. You stop in...for a pack of cigarettes. You don't smoke...don't even want to."