Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

All About Where And When

“Neil. Neil Sabatino.” He stuck his hand out towards her. Evelyn ripped her eyes away from the door Frank had walked into and looked at him with a smile.
“Evelyn. Evelyn Stewart.” She shook his hand.
He stared at her nervously. “Frank’s just…” He searched for the right word as she stared at him. “well, he’s just an asshole.”
Evelyn laughed lightly. “Nah, I’m sure he’s a great person.”
Neil raised his eyebrows. “After all he’s done to you, you can still say that?”
“Yeah, of course. Just because he hates me doesn’t mean he can’t be an amazing person.” She smiled lightly and stared at the door Frank had previously slammed.
“True.” Neil nodded his head, looking at the door as well. “Well, here’s what’s gonna happen.” He said. She looked back at him, ready to listen. “So, we’re heading up to Newark today after our friend Tim gets out of school. We asked him to ditch, but he has the English paper he worked on and he’s excited about presenting it, so he wanted to stay.” He stopped when he noticed Evelyn’s wince. “What’s wrong?”
“Um, I agreed to skip school with Frank.” She said, looking at her feet. “I’ve never skipped school in my life.”
“Aw, I’m sorry.” Neil said, shaking his head in shame of how cruel his best friend could be. “And you still think he could be a nice person?” He laughed as she nodded. “I would have slapped him and called him and asshole.”
She laughed. “It’s not my place to judge someone. I was raised not to.” She smiled, thinking of her art teacher. “So, what should I do with my bag?”
“I’ll put it in the van.” Neil followed her to her car. “So, your parents are cool with you going? As childish as it sounds, I don’t want anyone sneaking off with us.”
“I haven’t asked them yet. But, I promise I will when she thinks I’m out of school.” Evelyn said, pulling her suitcase from the backseat.
“I’ll take it.” Neil said, taking the suitcase from her. “So, that’s in about five hours, right?”
“Thanks.” She looked at her watch. “Yup. I don’t know where I’m gonna go.”
“Um…how about home?” Neil laughed lightly.
“I can’t. My sister is sick and my mom’s there with her. I’m too embarrassed to go back to school.”
“Well, you can chill here, I guess.” Neil shrugged.
“Oh, no. Frank wouldn’t like that.” She shook her head.
“Evelyn, this is my house. Not Frank’s.” He smiled at her.
She smiled at him. “Thanks.”
“Sure thing.” He smiled back at her. “You have a really pretty smile.”
Her smile grew. “Thanks. No one’s ever told that to me before.”
“Really? What fucktards.” Neil laughed.
“Neil, quit hitting on her. Jamie wouldn’t be happy.” Frank muttered from the door.
“Oh, go back to sleep.” Neil rolled his eyes. “And, I’m not hitting on her. She deserves a compliment since all she gets are insults.” He glared at Frank.
“What the hell do you want me to say to her, Neil? I hate her.” Frank shouted, getting angry.
“Frank, she’s right there.” Neil said through his teeth.
“I don’t give a shit.” He looked at her. “Hey, Easter, news flash: I hate your rotten guts.” He walked back inside, slamming the door behind him.
“Just ignore him, Eve- whoa, are you crying?” He added the end when he had turned around to see a few tears falling down her pale face.
“Yeah, I just don’t know why he hates me, that’s all.” She shrugged.
Neil stood next to her awkwardly. “Well, um…don’t cry. It’s alright.” He put a comforting arm around her shoulder, confused on how else he should comfort her.
“I’ll be fine.” She wiped the tears away from her face, staring at her feet.
“Wake up, Princess.” Frank said, yanking her car door open. Her head was facing towards him, her eyes closed with her red hair cascading down her shoulders. He flicked her nose and she jumped awake. “Neil said school’s over. Go get permission from your mom so we can get the hell out of here.” He slammed the door before she could say anything.
She looked out the window to see Neil put his head in his hands. He looked up, glared at Frank then looked back at her. He waved to her. She smiled and waved back before starting her car. She tried to fix her wild hair and make herself look like she hadn’t just woken up. Her heartbeat increased as she pulled into her driveway.
The door flew open and Graclin ran out of the door. Evelyn jumped out of her car and picked up her sister when she came running towards her. She put the girl on her hip and made her way for the door.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t tell mother about you and Frank stopping by today.” Graclin whispered in her ear as she opened the door.
“Thank you, honey.” She kissed her blonde hair and stepped into the house. “Mother?” She called.
“In here.” Monroe called from the kitchen. Evelyn walked in there, knowing Frank wanted her to hurry and quickly faced her mother, placing Graclin on the kitchen floor.
“Mother, I know this is sudden and I never mentioned it before, but I have to ask you something.” Evelyn explained quickly.
“What is it, hun?”
“A friend of mine invited me to go camping with him this weekend and he wants to leave quickly.” She smiled lightly.
“Today?” Monroe asked, a stern tone seeping into her voice.
“Yes. I know it’s sudden, but I promise to be careful.” Evelyn begged.
“Evelyn, you didn’t even tell me about this.” Monroe put her hands on her hips.
“Mom, please. They need an answer right away.”
Monroe’s face softened at the word ‘mom’ instead of ‘mother’. “You’ll be careful?”
“I promise I will be.”
“Okay, well go pack your stuff then head over there, I guess.”
Evelyn froze. She couldn’t tell her mother she already had a bag packed because she was supposed to be just getting home.
“I overheard and I packed for ya.” Graclin came inside the kitchen with the same suitcase she had previously packed her things in.
“Well, isn’t that nice of you?” Monroe smiled at her youngest daughter.
“Thanks, Graclin.” Evelyn stared at her sister in confusion as she took the suitcase from her sister.
“Aren’t you in a hurry?” Monroe asked, staring at Evelyn.
“Yes. Um, thanks a lot mom. I’ll be careful. I love you.” She called as she and Graclin walked to the door. “How’d you do that?”
“I ran out to your car and pulled it from the backseat.” Graclin shrugged.
“Frank must have put back in there in case I couldn’t go.” She muttered. “Thanks Gracie, you saved my butt.”
“Yup. Have fun. Drive safely. I love you and call us when you get there.” She said as she hugged her sister.
“I will, tell father I love him, yeah?”
“Sure thing.” Graclin blew her a kiss as Evelyn backed out of the driveway. She drove back to the path that lead to Neil’s house, feeling both scared and excited…
♠ ♠ ♠
So, It's, like, 7:17 in the morning and I just got finished with getting ready for school, which doesn't start until 8:13. I practically live on school property, so I don't have to walk very far.
I have Cancer by MCR stuck in my head.
So, I'm listening to that right now :D
Just thought you guys should know.
Big, huge, thanks to BobbyInABoat for the very amazing comment she left xD
Big thanks from me and Jedda.
Anyway, I might post another chapter later on when I get home from school, but we'll see.