Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

Somebody Wake Me From This Nightmare

“Evelyn, meet Tim Hagevik, the kid who was excited about his English paper.” Neil pointed to the boy standing on the porch with a beanie on his head.
“Hello. I’m Evelyn Stewart.” She stuck her hand out to him. Tim smiled widely and shook her hand.
“She’s coming with us?” Tim asked Frank, still smiling.
“Sadly, yes.” Frank said, leaning against the van with his arms crossed.
“Sweet!” Tim yelled. Evelyn smiled, happy that two people had accepted her. “I like your hair.”
Evelyn tucked a strand of dark red hair behind her ear and smiled even wider. “Thanks.”
“Well, if you two lovebirds are done, I’d like to go.” Frank said, rolling his eyes.
Tim’s face turned red. “Shut the hell up, man.” He hit Frank over the head.
“Why the hell do I keep getting hit today?” Frank yelled, glaring at Tim.
“Because your being an asshole.” Tim muttered.
“Shut up. Is everyone ready?”
“What about Shaun and Hambone?” Tim asked, fixing his beanie.
“They called, we have to pick ‘em up. Now, come on. I’m ready to go.”
“Fine.” Tim grunted. Neil climbed in the driver’s seat and Frank sat beside him, leaving Tim and Evelyn in the back.
After twenty minutes on the road, Neil laughed. “I feel bad for Evelyn. Tim’s gonna be staring at her this whole ride.”
“I like her hair, god shut up.” Tim crossed his arms and sunk lower into his seat. Evelyn’s cheek’s lightly turned red. She looked up, to see Frank staring at her from the mirror on the fold-up compartment above his head.
“Whore.” He muttered, shaking his head. He closed the compartment and looked out the window. She sadly looked at her hands in her lap.
“Okay, um…Shaun’s house is just around the corner.” Neil said, desperately trying to break the awkward silence. He pulled into a driveway, failing to break the awkwardness, and jumped out, muttering something to Frank about “being nice”.
“So, Evelyn,” Tim turned to her with a smile. Frank laughed once and rolled his eyes, knowing what his younger friend was getting to. “how old are you?”
“I’m going to be 18 in November.” She smiled at Tim, honestly liking the attention she was getting.
Tim’s face dropped and Frank busted into a laughing fit. Tim’s face scrunched up at the sound of his friends teasing laughter. He crossed his arms and sunk back in his seat. “Shut the hell up, Frank.” He said, kicking the side of the seat.
“What’s so funny?” Evelyn asked, glancing between Frank and Tim.
“Tim is only-”
“Frank, I said shut up!” Tim yelled.
“What is it?” Evelyn asked, starting to smile.
Frank sighed contently. “Tell her how old you are, Tim.”
“No.” Tim’s face turned red.
“If you don’t tell her, I will.”
“Oh, I bet you will.”
“Okay, okay!” Tim shouted, sitting up. He faced Evelyn. “I’m sixteen.”
Frank began laughing again. “Dude, you don’t stand a chance.”
“With what? I don’t care if you’re sixteen.” Evelyn shrugged, failing to really understand what they were talking about, causing Frank to laugh harder.
“Really?” Tim smiled, sitting up straighter. He scrunched up his face when Frank continued to laugh. “Shut the hell up.” Tim dove into the passenger seat and on Frank. Frank’s laughter died down and was replaced by angry yelling from the both of them.
“Hey, hey, hey! What the hell!” Neil yelled, slinging the front door open. “Tim, get in your god damn seat!” Neil grabbed the back of Neil’s jeans and yanked him away from Frank.
“Geez, I was just joking around. No need to get all pissy over Princess here.” Frank said, glaring at Tim with a red face.
“You’re an asshole who doesn’t appreciate a good person when he see’s one.” Tim yelled, jamming a finger towards Frank.
“Oh fucking well.” Frank muttered, sitting back in his seat.
“I hope you die alone.” Tim muttered, walking back to his seat.
Neil sighed loudly, running a hand over his short hair. “Now that that’s done,” He leaned towards Evelyn, “hopefully.” He muttered. “Evelyn, this is Shaun Simon.” He pointed to the boy gaping at her.
“Oh my god, another one.” Frank muttered, putting his face in his hands.
“Hello.” She stuck her hand out. “I’m Evelyn.”
“Shaun Simon at your service.” Shaun took her hand and gently kissed it.
Evelyn smiled. “Thanks.”
“Back off.” Tim muttered.
“After you.” Shaun held the door for her as she climbed into the seat. He shut it and hopped in the seat behind her.
“Now, we get to pick up John.” Neil sighed. He started the car and backed out the driveway.
“So Evelyn. How old are you?” Shaun smiled. She turned her head to look at him, mouth open when Tim cut her off.
“She’s almost 18, dude. Don’t even think about it.” He muttered.
Shaun’s face dropped like Tim’s had. “Well, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Yes. H-”
“What’s he like? Does he have a job? How does he plan to support you and/or him after high school? Are you gonna marry him? What’s his name?! For god’s sake woman, tell us!” Shaun demanded, nearly hanging over her seat to look at her.
“Shaun, chill out! You’re not her dad or anything.” Neil yelled from the front seat.
Shaun sat back. “Sorry, panic attack.” He sighed. “Come on, let’s go get John.”
“Yeah, lets get out of here already.” Frank sighed, finally relaxed and put his hands behind his head.
Evelyn smiled at the image of Frank’s relaxed figure. Frank, feeling eyes on him, looked at her from the corner of his eye, his body automatically becoming tensed. Red stained her cheeks as she averted her eyes to the ground. Frank turned around, slightly irritated with the shy, red-headed girl in the back. He turned his head towards the window. He sat up at what he saw. His friend, John McGuire, walking the opposite direction the van was going.
“Neil, stop the car!” He shouted, unbuckling his seat belt.
“Just do it!”
“Fine.” Neil pulled the car to a stop and Frank jumped from the van, running after his friend.
“John! Hey, John!” Frank yelled. John stopped, turning to look at him. He rolled his eyes and walked toward Frank. “What are you…? What are you doing?”
“I was gonna try and meet you guys at Shaun’s house.”
“Oh, well we were just on the way to your house. Come on, the van’s just over there.” He looked towards it to see Evelyn with her head out the window looking towards the scene. Once again, she looked away, her cheeks red. Frank felt a small slice of panic cut through him as he wondered if John would like Evelyn as well. Would all of his friends be trapped under her ‘Miss Perfect’ spell?
“You okay, man?” John asked as he watched Frank’s face go from pale from panic to red from anger.
“Um, yeah. I’m fine.” He shook his head, demanding himself not to think of Evelyn. “Um, we have another person along for the ride, just so you know.”
“Who is it?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Frank muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets and shaking his head in remorse that this intruder had come to ruin his trip.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, once again, Jedda talked me into posting another chapter.
Man, the girl on has two comments and 5 subscribers, but you'd think the girl had the most popular story ever! She gets excited over pretty much anything.
Anyway, huge, huge, thanks to:
for commenting the story.
We really appreciate it xD