Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

What Got Me Into This Mess That Devoured Me?

“Okay, we’re gonna stop at this gas station. We’ll change seats there. John can drive. Tim can sit in the passenger side. Me and Shaun will sit in the front row. Evelyn and Frank in the very back.” Neil announced as he pulled up to the gas station. Evelyn smiled, but quickly wiped it away when Frank jumped up.
“What!?” He shouted, glaring towards Neil. “I’m not sitting back there with,” He paused, looking back at her. “that thing!”
“Act your age, not your shoe size, Frank.” Neil muttered, turning off the van. He turned to the fuming boy beside him. “You’re sitting by her.”
“I didn’t ask you to sit by her. I’m telling you to sit by her.” Neil said, glaring back at him.
“Neil, don’t-”
“Frank!” He yelled, cutting Frank off. Frank quickly looked at the ground, slightly intimidated by his friends outburst. “I’m really fucking tired and I just wanna get to the cabin without all this bullshit. Now, get your ass to the back and sit with Evelyn.”
Frank, muttering words to himself, opened the door and jumped out. He slammed it shut and walked to the next door. He yanked it open and hopped in the seat. He crossed his arms and glared at the seat in front of him.
“Um, I’m going to go get some water, does anybody want anything?” Evelyn asked, looking around the van.
“I want some jerky!” Tim yelled, turning to see her. Frank looked at her, waiting to see what she’d say. He rose an eye-brow in confusion when she winced at the word ‘jerky’.
“Yeah, me too.” Frank said, hoping to cause her more discomfort.
“Um, okay.” She said quietly, opening to door.
Frank glared at the seat in front of him, wondering what had caused her to wince. He then shook his head, promising himself he wouldn’t let her take over his thoughts again.
Frank looked up to see Shaun looking at him. “What?”
“I’ll trade you seats.” Shaun whispered.
“Are you kidding? Neil would murder me if I pulled something like that.” Frank said as the door to the van opened and Evelyn appeared. He almost laughed at the look on her face when she pulled out the bag of jerky and handed it to Tim. She pulled out the other bag and handed it to Frank.
He watched as she wiped her hands on her shirt as if the jerky was a disease. She jumped into the van and pulled out her bottle of water. Frank, knowing he would have to sit next to her for the next hour or so, sat as far away from her as possible.
Evelyn, noticing Frank scoot away from her, leaned her head against the door frame in sadness, hoping to get as much sleep as possible.
Evelyn’s eyes slowly fluttered open and she stared out the window. She sat up, yawning and stretching. She glanced around to see that everyone except John was sleeping. She smiled, hoping these boys would get the rest that was well deserved. She sat back in her seat and her eyes rested on the sleeping Frank next to her, her smile growing wider.
She couldn’t deny she liked him. They way his hair was anything but perfect in the morning, yet somehow still seeming amazing. The way his laugh sounded girlish and always wanted to make her laugh. The way, when he was angry, his right eye brow would raise, his eye-brow ring making him look even more scary. The way, when he was sleeping, his lips were just slightly puckered. And, the way his hard, hazel eyes always had an angry fire burning behind them. Those same eyes that were staring at her.
“What?” Frank asked, slightly irritated.
Evelyn, realizing Frank was awake and staring back at her, blushed. “Sorry.” She muttered, looking back out the window.
Frank shook his head and yawned. “Are we there yet?” He asked, stretching his arms.
“Almost.” John said.
“Good. I’m sick of sitting by her.” Frank said, nodding towards Evelyn.
“Shut up, Frank.” Neil muttered.
“How long are we staying?” Evelyn asked.
“Just for the weekend.” Neil said, yawning.
“Do you guys come here a lot?” She asked, turning to face Neil, seeing as he was the only one who would actually talk to her without saying something to nice or to insulting.
I do. It’s my parents cabin, but they let me come up to it whenever. This is the second time the guys would be here. And, the first time you would be here.”
“And let’s hope it’s the last time to.” Frank mumbled, glaring out the window.
“Just because you said that, I’m gonna invite her up here more.” Neil shot, glaring at the back of Frank’s head.
“You’re an asshole.” Frank said, not bothering to look at him.
“Go back to sleep, Frank.” Neil sighed.
“I’m sorry.” Evelyn whispered to Neil.
“What for?” He asked, raising an eye brow.
“I’m making everybody fight with each other.” She hung her head.
Neil sat back in his seat, knowing she was right. “John, you see it yet?”
“Yeah, I can see it. I give it about 2 or 3 minutes.” John replied.
“You’ll love it, Evelyn.” Neil said, smiling at her.
Evelyn smiled weakly back. “I’m sure I will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yup, broke my own rules and posted another chapter xD
So, I just wanted to get this out, Frank is acting like a total bitch in this story(Yes, I called him a bitch :D), but that all changes in chapter 9.
Not very far away, seeing as this is chapter 6.
Lot of drama in the next few chapters.
Anyway, moving onto the thanks:
Huge,Huge thanks to:
You really should thank her, she conviced me to post this :D
I swear, 3 comments, 19 readers and 6 subscribers.
You guys are gonna give Jedda a heart attack xD