Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

But, Now The Currents Only Pulling Me Down

The van door opened up and Frank Iero jumped through it before the vehicle stopped. He rolled on the cement to make his landing softer and smiled. He threw his arms in the air.
“Freedom!” He shouted. He sat up as John turned the van off.
“Frank, you-” Neil paused as he slammed his door. “Forget it, you won’t listen to word I say anyway.” Neil walked to the back of the van. “You never do.” He muttered.
“Get up, Frank.” Shaun said, standing in front of him.
“I don’t want to, I’m tired.” He muttered, enjoying his ‘freedom’ from Evelyn.
“Hey,” Tim yelled, popping from his seat. “who wants to go swimming’?”
“Tim,” John said, rolling his eyes. “it’s August.”
“Exactly! We have to go swimming before it gets to cold.” Tim smiled widely.
“I agree.” Evelyn said, jumping from her seat. Tim beamed at her.
John, the only one not properly introduced to her, stared at her, trying to understand why Frank had specifically kept him away from her.
Frank, noticing John, quickly jumped up. “Okay, you guys have fun.” He grabbed John by his shoulders and turned him around.
“Come on Frank!” Shaun whined. “You dealt with her in the car, you can deal with her in the water!”
Frank groaned. “Fine. But, I’m not swimming. I’m just gonna sit on the dock.”
Shaun and Tim gave each other a high-five, more happy about seeing Evelyn in a swimsuit than to have their friend sit with them.
“Alright, lets go change and then we can head back out there.” Neil said as he made his way towards the door. He stopped and turned around when Evelyn leaned against the van. “Evelyn,” He said. She looked at him and smiled. “are you coming?”
“No, I’m not gonna swim.” She kept her eyes on the ground rather then accepting Frank’s glare.
“What?!” Tim and Shaun said, whipping around, causing Frank to drop his glare and laugh.
“Did you bring something to swim in?” Neil asked, glaring at Tim and Shaun.
“Well, yeah, I did, but,…” She trailed off shrugging.
“But what?” Shaun asked.
“I’d rather not wear it, that’s all.” She kept her eyes on the ground and shrugged again. She sighed when everyone continued to stare at her. “I’m just self-conscious about my stomach.”
“You can wear my shirt over you, if you want.” Tim said.
“Really?” She asked smiling.
“Oh, thanks so much!” She exclaimed, smiling.
“Yeah Tim, thanks. I didn’t want to sit with her.” Frank sighed in relief.
Evelyn’s smile vanished as she shook her head, hoping one day she’d be able to get used to him hating her.
“Come on! Just jump in!” Shaun called from the water, looking up at Evelyn.
“I’m scared.” She said softly, playing with the hem of Tim's shirt.
“What!?” Shaun called, not being able to hear her.
“She said she’s scared!” Frank yelled from next to her.
“I’ll catch you!” Shaun yelled smiling.
“No! I’ll catch you!” Tim yelled, dunking Shaun under the water.
“Just jump before you give them a heart attack.” Frank sighed.
“Okay.” She said quietly. She took a deep breath and plunged off the side of the cliff, screaming. She made a small splash as her body was swallowed into the murky, blue water. She resurfaced and took a large gasp of air, pushing the red hair out of her face.
Frank rolled his eyes while Tim and Shaun applauded for her. “She tries to act all innocent, ya know. On the inside, I bet she’s just as rotten and spoiled as Muffie Peterson.” Frank muttered to John, the only friend he felt he had.
“I hate to kill your anger,” John said sarcastically. “but, I don’t see anything wrong with her.”
“You haven’t even met her, John.”
“Yeah, because you wouldn’t let get anywhere near her.” John laughed a bitterly.
“Your point?” Frank asked, leaning back onto the grass and closing his eyes.
“I wanna talk to her! I’m probably coming off rude!” John exclaimed.
“Good. She doesn’t need all that attention.”
“Frank, what is your deal!? Why can’t I talk to her?!”
“Because, you’ll love her too, then I’ll look like a jackass for no reason!” Frank exclaimed
“News flash, Frank: You already look like a jackass for no reason!” John said, rolling his eyes.
“Whatever.” Frank muttered, laying back down. The sound of Evelyn squealing and laughing only made him angrier. He squeezed his eyes tighter, hoping that this would all be a bad dream that would just go away.
He hated her. He hated her. He hated her. He hated her. He hated her more than anything. She came into his life, acting like she was completely innocent, and turned his life upside down. Frank always hated people like her and like the people she hung out with. Popularity had never interested him. In fact, he hated that too. Popularity made him lose friends, and his friends meant almost everything to him. Popularity, also stole his heart.
He hated popular people. He hated people associated with popular people. He hated the way bleach blonde girl walked around in shirts two sizes two small with their little dogs in their little bags. He hated the way football players thought they could do anything and get away with it. He mainly hated how cool they thought they were.
They shoved him into lockers. They made fun of him. They threw things at him. They made his life a living hell, and he would never forgive them for that…
Frank sat across from the couch in the cabin living room. The couch that was occupied with Tim, Evelyn and Shaun. His eyes were set on Evelyn, his life ruiner. He leaned forward in his chair, chin his palm, as an idea popped into his head.
“So Princess,” He said. He almost laughed when she looked at him. “Miller said we were supposed to get to know each other. Can I ask you a couple questions?”
Evelyn smiled widely. “Sure.” She jumped from her spot on the couch, earning Frank a glare from Tim and Shaun, and sat in the chair next to him. “Ask away.”
He sat back, smiling. He was going to enjoy this. “You never told us anything about your boyfriend, ya know.” Frank smiled to himself when the smile disappeared from her face.
“Trent?” She asked. Frank nodded. “Oh, well he-”
“Is he a nice guy?”
“Yeah, he’s pre-”
“Did you know he shoves people in lockers? He shoves me in lockers.”
“Well, I knew, but-”
“You knew and you didn’t stop him?” Frank asked in mock horror. “Whatever, forget it. Anyway, I noticed you had a big house. What do your parents do?”
“My mom and dad are lawyers.” Evelyn said, nodding her head.
“So you guys make a lot of money, huh? Do you ever give any to charity?”
“Well, no, but I try-”
“You don’t give money to charity?” Frank screwed up his face. “Okay.” He rolled his eyes. “Are you gonna be a lawyer when you get older?”
She sighed heavily. “Yeah.” She mumbled, picking at her bright red nail polish.
“Is there something wrong with that?”
“I kinda wanted to be an artist.” She shrugged.
“Oh, well did you tell your parents?”
“No.” She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. “They want me to be a lawyer.”
“Then you shouldn’t be having second thoughts about it. Your parents know what’s best for you.” Frank said, smiling at her sadness. “Are you gonna marry Trent?”
“He want’s to get married right out of high school.” She said, her voice slightly cracking.
“Good.” Frank smiled at the thought of Trent career taking her to China. “ Does he want kids?”
“He doesn’t.” She shook her head, still staring at her nail polish.
“It’s a good thing you don’t want kids, right princess?” He laughed lightly, playfully whacking her shoulder.
“Right.” Her voice cracked loudly as a single tear drop hit her bloody nails.
“It’s about what everybody else wants. Not just about you, ya know. It’s wrong to be selfish.” Frank said, smiling wider.
At the sound of ‘selfish’, a small gasp came from Evelyn. “Right.”
“Something wrong, princess? You seem upset. How are you feeling?”
Evelyn jumped up from her seat. “Horribly rotten.” She exclaimed before disappearing up the stairs.
Frank, obviously happy with the pain he had caused her, relaxed in the chair he was in, muttering, “success”. Once he heard the sound of footsteps, he opened his eyes, only to see Tim and Shaun running up the stairs after her, Neil following close behind. He rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
“I don’t know her. I don’t know how she does in school. I don’t know what she’s like at home.” John started, his eyes on the ground. Frank’s eyes flashed to the only boy sitting in the room with him. “Hell, I don’t even know her last name!” John laughed, shooting from the couch. He turned to Frank. “But, what I do know, is that you just broke her heart, Frank.”
“She deserves, John. She a litt-”
“So she ruined your trip. Sure as hell looked like she made the guys’ more fun.”
Frank stood from his chair in anger. “You don’t get it, John-”
“No Frank, maybe you don’t get it.” John said, sick of his friends actions towards the heart broken girl. “Frank, I feel like I don’t even know you anymore. And, don’t blame this on the girl.” He added when Frank opened his mouth.
“What do you mean, you don’t know me anymore? I’m still Frank.”
“No, you’re not.” John glared at him, shaking his head. “I know your mom well enough to know she did not raise you to act like this. In fact,” John chuckled a hard chuckle. “I’m sure she’d be pretty fuckin’ disappointed with you right now.”
Frank felt the color drain from his face. “That was a low blow, John, and you know it.” Frank said, his eyes to wide from shock to glare at him.
“Well maybe it would do you some good.” John shrugged, going towards the stairs.
“Don’t go up there, John.” Frank warned.
“Hell, it might even do your mom some good.” John disappeared up the stairs.
Evelyn stared at the large piece of meat on her plate in disgust. She poked her fork into the carrot beside it, enjoying that much better. She sniffed away the last of her tears and looked across the table. Frank was poking the steak with his fork, his mind obviously pointed at what John had said. He quickly looked up, automatically making Evelyn look down.
“Lets go to that new neon place down the street.” He suggested, looking at the faces of the people around his, except one person, of course.
“Oh yeah, I heard about that. They just opened it last year!” Tim said, hopping up.
“What neon place?” Evelyn asked, looking at Tim rather than Frank.
Frank smiled, a new idea popping into his head. “Princess, sorry, I mean Easter,” He gave a fake smile when she looked up. “have you ever drank before?”
“Drank what?”
“No! Of course not! I’m underage.” She exclaimed, shaking her head.
“Perfect!” Frank jumped from his chair. “We can have Evelyn drink for the first time!”
I don’t think that’s a good ide-”
“Oh come on, P-Easter,” He ran behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “there’s a first time for everything.”
“My mom would kill me-”
“She won’t know.” Frank urged.
“I’m under-”
“My friend Barry can get you a fake ID.”
“Isn’t that ill-”
“Oh come on.!” He said, turning her around. “Think of it…” He paused to think. “as my way of apologizing.”
She smiled widely and nodded. “Okay.”
“I can’t believe that worked!” Evelyn shouted over the loud music to Frank.
“Yeah, Barry is pretty good at what he does.” Frank said, secretly steering her to the bar.
“What’s he do?” Evelyn asked, sitting in a stool next to him
“Um, classified.” He made his hand into a C and flashed her a smile.
She laughed lightly and smiled. Her attention was drawn from Frank when the bartender appeared in front of her.
“Can I get you two anything?” He asked.
“Uh…?” Evelyn looked at Frank, a question mark written all over her face.
“Two shots.” Frank said, smiling wickedly at his idea.
“Frank, what does that have in it?” Evelyn asked when the bartender walked away.
“Tequila. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” She stared nervously at the tiny glass that was placed in front of her.
“Well, drink it.” Frank urged as she held it awkwardly in her hand. She looked at him, completely terrified. “You’ll be fine, trust me.”
A small smile hit her face as she nodded lightly. “I trust you.” She put the glass to her lips and slightly tipped her head back, letting to liquid slither down her throat like a snake.
A snake that would ruin the life that had been planned for her and give her a life that she could finally call hers…
♠ ♠ ♠
I really enjoi the way this one ends...
Anyway, Jedda just finished the 15th chapter, so I figured I'd post this one since you guys seem to enjoi my updates xD


Me and Jedda seriously love you guys. Really, Jedda could not be more happy. She really loves the fact that you guys comment.
Oh, and, BobbyInABoat, Me and Jedda love your rambling. It makes us laugh xD
I know Frank acts like an ass in the rest of them, but he seems like a complete dick to me in this one.
Pardon my french, btw.