Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

It's A Damn Cold Night

Tim glanced over his shoulder and sighed in relief when he didn’t see Shaun following him. He smiled to himself and looked around for the red-haired girl that had stolen his heart. His eyes narrowed when he couldn’t find her. He was about to search the club himself when something jumped on him.
“Timmy!” She squealed in his ear.
He set down the obviously drunken Evelyn and steadied her. “Evelyn? Are you all right?”
“Hey, hey, hey!” She shouted, despite the fact that she already had his attention. “guess what I got?!” She stuck out her bandaged left wrist.
“What?” Tim asked, glancing from her to the gauze.
“Well ya gotta open it. It’s like a present.” She smiled widely.
“Evelyn, how much did you drink?” He asked, cautiously unwrapping her wrist.
“Um…” She put a finger to her chin. “I don’t remember.” She giggled.
“What is this?!” He shouted, pointing the picture of the cupcake on her wrist.
“I got a tattoo!” She said proudly. “I used my ID thing.”
“Did it hurt?”
“I don’t remember.” She shrugged. “ Hey look, it’s one of those green things.” She quickly turned away from Tim and headed towards the waitress holding the tray of martini glasses.
“I’m gonna kill Frank.” Tim muttered, looking through the club for him. He spotted him talking to another man and quickly pushed his way through the crowd. “Frank, we have a situation on out hands.”
Frank rolled his eyes. “ Shaun will be fine. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.” He pointed out the window to his friend that was on the lawn puking.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Oh, well what is it?” Frank asked.
“It’s Evelyn.”
“Oh shit, I forgot about her.” He rubbed his forehead. “Oh well, she’s a smart girl. She’ll be fine.”
“No Frank, she’s not fine.”
“Timmy!” Evelyn called, stumbling towards him. “Look, the lady gave me another one of those green things.”
“See what I mean?!” Tim said, pointing towards her, even though Frank’s eyes were already on her.
“Wow.” Frank said, slightly shocked at how badly she had drank.
“Yeah. I think we should take her back to the cabin.”
“No way! You can, I’m stayin’ here.” Frank argued.
“Frank!” Tim shouted, shoving his friend against the wall. “You made this mess, and now you’re gonna fix it!”
“Get the fuck off me.” Frank said, shoving Tim away from him.
“Hey, look what I got.” Evelyn said, holding her wrist in front of Frank’s face.
Frank studied the cupcake on her wrist. He grabbed a hold of her arm and muttered, “let’s go back to the cabin.”
“Tim, don’t make me carry her!” Frank shouted as Tim walked towards the cabin door. His reply was simply the sound of slamming the door. “Jackass.” Frank muttered, yanking open the van door. Evelyn was sprawled across the seat, asleep. He grabbed her leg and slowly pulled from the car. He stood her up and put an arm on her waist. He opened the front door and threw her on the couch.
“She’s very light.” He commented to a sick looking Shaun.
“Are you just gonna let her sleep there?” Shaun asked.
“I was plannin’ to.” Frank began to walk towards the stairs. “She’s drunk, man. Badly.” Frank laughed.
“Well then take her upstairs. Put her on my bed. The bathroom is right next door.” Shaun said, pointing at the ceiling.
“No!” Frank whined. “I carried her here from the van.”
“You said she was light.”
“Well,” Frank stopped, knowing this would only take longer. “fine.” He threw the sleeping re-head over his shoulder and walked up the stairs. He kicked open Shaun and Neil’s room and threw her on Shaun’s bed.
“Frank, don’t just leave her there. She gonna wake up with a killer headache and be half off the bad. Fix her.” Neil mumbled.
“Neil! I carried from the car to the couch and to the couch up here. I’m sick of touching her!” Frank said, glaring at him.
“God, you fuckin’ baby.” Neil muttered. Getting up from his bed. “Get out of the way!” he shouted when Frank stood there, watching him.
“Sorry.” Frank retorted, moving towards the door. Neil laid her down on the bed, took off her shoes and pulled the blankets over her.
“Go away, Frank.” Neil grumbled, laying back down in his bed.
“Whatever.” Frank said, walking out of the door and back to his room.
Shaun’s hands came in contact with Tim’s back roughly, causing Tim to fly from the cliff and into the water.
“Shaun! I hate you!” He yelled, resurfacing. “I had my beanie on!” He yelled, looking for it.
“I found it!” Frank yelled, holding it up in the air.
“Well give it to me.”
“No.” Frank laughed.
“Give it to me, now!” Tim demanded, climbing back up on the dock. Frank laughed at his friend. He threw the wet piece of cloth at his friend before climbing onto the dock himself.
“I’m gonna go get some towels.” He laughed as he watched Tim try to squeeze the water from his hat.
“Check on Evelyn while you’re inside!” Neil called as Frank walked towards the cabin. He rolled his eyes at his statement. He opened the door and walked up the stairs towards the room with the sleeping girl. He laughed when he saw the lump of blankets on Shaun’s bed, obviously where Evelyn was asleep. He walked into the bathroom and pulled out four towels. He froze when he heard a painful whimper come from the mess of blankets. He set the towels down and walked towards the bed.
Another whimper escaped Evelyn terrifyingly pale lips. Frank’s mouthed dropped in horror. She seriously looked dead. She was paler then the sheets she was laying on, the skin under her eyes was perfectly bruised. The first thing the caught Frank’s eyes, was her stomach.
“I’m just self-conscious about my stomach.”
Curiosity crept up behind Frank as he stared at the white shirt she was wearing. It was pale as she was and he could obviously see the yellow bra she was wearing, but his eyes were averted to the light purple bruises on her stomach.
“Frank?” Evelyn croaked. Frank’s eyes darted to her pale face
“Um, Neil told me to check on you.” Frank said, stepping back a step.
“Oh,” She said, slightly disappointed. “Well-” She stopped. Her stomach rolled like the ‘L’ off her tongue. She sprung out of the bed, barely making past Frank, and slammed the door once she was in the bathroom.
“Ya see,” Frank said, walking towards the door. “this is what happens when you drink, you puke your guts out when you wake up.” He picked up the towels and left the room, feeling quite happy with himself.
“How is she?” Shaun asked Frank as he approached.
“Deadly pale and puking her guts out.” Frank said casually, dropping to sit next to him.
“What!” Shaun shouted, jumping from the ground. “You didn’t stay with her.?”
Frank screwed up his face. “Hell no.”
“You gotta go back there, Frank! She could be…” Shaun paused, thinking. “dying!”
“Good.” Frank said, laying on his back, thinking of a world without Evelyn. “My life would be perfect without her in it.” He smiled, closing his eyes.
“Frank, I will rip that shiny little ring out of your eye-brow if you don’t get back up there and make sure she’s not dead!” Shaun said, his face becoming red.
“Don’t throw a fuckin’ hissy fit. I’m goin’.” Frank stood from the grass and walked back towards the cabin. “Princess!” He called, kicking the door open. “Princess?” He said, walking up the stairs. The door to the bathroom was still closed and he couldn’t here anything from the inside. He tapped lightly on the door. “Evelyn?” He asked. Nothing. Frank, getting slightly irritated, turned the door knob and shoved the door out of his way.
Shaun’s face popped into his mind as he stared, horrified.
“You gotta go back there, Frank! She could be…dying!”
“Evelyn?” His whispered again. He stared at the dead girl. Her once beautiful chocolate eyes had rolled back into her head. The cupcake that had been tattooed on her wrist had blood smeared on it. The pink lips on her mouth were pale, with splatters of blood on them, some of it crawling down her chin.
He came to his senses quickly. He grabbed the thin girl and carried her out of the bathroom. He snatched the van keys and hurried out of the door. He gently set her in the seat next to him and quickly drove down the road, looking for a hospital.
Frank parked the vehicle and bounded from his door. He yanked Evelyn’s door open, not caring to close it before he ran inside the hospital. “I need help!” He screamed, holding the limp girl in his arms. When he saw a man bring out a gurney, he looked at Evelyn. She was dead. He was absolutely positive. He felt as if he were carrying a pillow. He was pulled from her face when she was yanked away from him. He watched as they quickly rolled her away.
He ignored the woman that came to talk to him and walked outside. He looked around desperately, hoping everything would make sense. One thought flashed into his head at that moment:
“My life would be perfect without her in it.”
He leaned to the side and puked, just as the girl he killed did only minutes ago…
♠ ♠ ♠
So, like the warning, this is pretty upsetting, but I have nothing else to do.
This is a perfect example of bad karma.
I'm gonna post the next chapter right after this, I don't wanna leave you guys hanging.
Oh, Jedda is really loving the feedback.
She said if it gets even one comment and/or reader better, then she's gonna have to say something.
She'll probably just call me and tell me what to type xD