Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool

Marrying a Total Tool Chapter 10

It was bright out. That's all I can muster up. I can't really tell if it's the light of the sun coming in through my window, or if it's a light next to my bed.

But I do know that it's really bright. And I can feel an ache that doesn't seem to go away. Where did it come from? Why is it there? Who put this so close to me?

That ache subsided for a moment when my eyes adjusted to the bedroom. It was the guest room in Sarina's house. I sat up, trying to remember why I was here and not with Liam.

Oh my god. Liam.

Then it all came back to me. The kiss, 'I love you', Brianna...the painful ache came back as all the memories scattered through my brain at once and I attempted my best to forget them. I failed, and a small yelp erupted from my throat, making it sound screechy.

The door swung open and Ryan came running in and kneeled at my bedside.

"Riley, are you alright?" Ryan asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head and began to cry hysterically. Ryan jumped up and sat next to me on the bed and placed my head on his shoulder.

And then it hit me.

This is why Sarina is so in love with Ryan so much. He is such a sweetie. Under all the play boy exterior, he's so nice and kind, and... caring?

"It's okay. I'm going to talk to Liam. I'll get him straightened out. I promise." Ryan whispered in my ear. I slowly began to stop crying.

I wiped my eyes and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you. I wouldn't be able to." I wiped my eyes once more before standing up, "Where's Sarina?" I asked my voice cracking ever so the slightest.

Ryan gestured towards the door, "She's right out there."

I nodded and walked out and was immediatly embraced by Sarina.

"I told you he's sweet! Isn't he?" Sarina squealed, "I sent him in there so you would finally realize how nice of a guy he really is."

I smiled, "Only you can cheer me up like this." Then we both laughed lightly.

The door bell rung and I jumped at the noise.

Ryan came barreling out of the room and pushed past us in almost an angry demenor. He slid down the railing of the stairwell. Sarina and I jogged down the stairs as Ryan yanked the door open and Liam stood in the doorway.

"Didn't think you'd show." Ryan hissed to Liam. Liam looked at him strangely.

"I didn't come for you." Liam looked at me and I immediatly looked away. He walked forward and took my arm, "Come on Riley. We need to go home."

I tried to pull away from him, "No, I don't want to go with you."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Look I'm sorry, I love you. Let's just go."

I shook my head, tears rushing into my eyes, "No you don't."

Liam looked startled, "What are you talking about? Of course I do." Liam gave my arm a yank. But I resisted.

"No, you love Brianna. She's gorgeous and perfect. Exactly what you need. Now why don't you go marry her?" I asked angrily.

Liam scowled, "I broke up with her this morning."

I could feel my hopes getting up and I'm sure Ryan saw that.

"He's lying." Ryan hissed from behind Liam.

Liam spun around to look at him, "You don't know what you're talking about. You don't even like Sarina. It was always just a game for you." Liam spat.

Ryan's eyes lowered, "I do like Sarina. I think I might even love her. That's more than what you've ever done. At least I'm not dating Brianna and having Riles on the side. You can't have your cake and eat it too, Liam."

I could see Sarina's eyes brighten fast. She looked faint, but in a good way.

Liam turned back to me, "Please, Riley." Liam's eyes were pleading me, like he truly loved me, "I really do love you."

I tried not to fall for it as easily as before. But it was so difficult. I liked him so much it hurt.

"Please." Liam's last word was a beg. I could hear it in his voice.

"A week. Give me one week. Then I'll come home." I whispered.

Ryan looked pissed, and Sarina looked upset with me.

Liam gave a half hearted smile and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I let him and he turned around.

"A week, and I'll be back. Call me... if you want to." Liam said and then he turned around and walked right out the door, slamming it on his way out.

And he took my heart with him.