Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool


I know I told Liam how Ryan was only my friend, but now that I think about it, I am starting to see something strange in Ryan around me.

For one, he was extremely defensive of me, and when guys hit on Sarina, he doesn't really seem to care.

Two, When I screamed that night in my sleep, he was the first one to run to me, almost as if he was waiting for me to need him.

Three, and he seemed so natural about me. Everything came Naturally.


I noticed something in me as well.

One, when Ryan was being defensive of me, I really liked it. It felt good to be taken care of, and it was nice to be noticed. Liam didn't do anything when Tom had kissed me...

Two, I loved being held by Ryan when he was comforting me. I love being held by Liam too, but in more of a friendly matter, Ryan was soft and sweet. Which I shouldn't be feeling from him.

Three, Selena Gomez says "When you know it's meant to be, everything comes naturally." And it definitely does with Ryan and I.

Maybe it was because Liam hurt me that I'm second guessing him and thinking about Ryan.

Then again, I did always think that Ryan was very cute.

But yet again, I'm getting married to Liam. In less than a week.

Right now I'm laying on my bed, all of the wedding plans being done downstairs. Everything is ready and I'm just... not. I don't want to get married now at all.

Liam is out with his friends bowling. He offered me to come but I politely declined.

*Knock Knock*

"Riley it's Ryan. I want to talk to you."

Ryan was here?!

"Come in." I called.

Ryan opened the door and I gasped.

"What did you do to your hair!?" I exclaimed. It was in a... Mohawk. A MOHAWK! And not just a small little Mohawk. It was giant!

"I changed it up. I looked too preppy. I wanted to try out my bad boy style." Ryan smiled and walked over to me.

"You might want to trim your hair first. Do you realize that your Mohawk goes to like, the ceiling?" I asked laughing a little.

Ryan chuckled, "Why trim it? I like it this way. Sarina hates it, though. But what do you think?" Of course Sarina would hate it. It was so unlike Ryan.

"You go to a prep school, Ryan. They will never allow this." I said patting the top of it.

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Fuck them. But you didn't answer my question."

"I like it. It suits you." I said smiling. Ryan smiled.

"You know what suits me?" Ryan asked leaning forward a bit so he was looking directly into my eyes and his lips were about three inches from mine.

My brain screamed at me to move away from him. He's your best friend's boyfriend, you can't do this. You are getting married in four days to the love of your life! But sadly, my body didn't move because it wanted it.

"What?" I breathed out, focusing on his lips. I flirtatiously looked up through my eyelashes.

"You." Ryan said before taking my face in his hands and planted his lips on mine.

And guess what?

I absolutely loved that kiss. And it went on for awhile.

Ryan wasn't like Liam's kissing at all. He was softer than I would have expected and his moved exactly with my lips. Almost perfect unison and everytime his tongue touched my lips lightly a spark of energy hit me.


Eventually though, my brain caught up to my body's actions. And I pulled away.

"I'm getting married." I said loudly.

Ryan was still close to me, "I know." He said, placing another soft kiss on my lips, trying to distract me.

"To your best friend." I said against his lips. I didn't realize it now, but it wasn't just him keeping him close, it was me too. I had a firm hold on his shirt and my arm was around his neck.

"Liam? He doesn't love you." Ryan said leaning in again, but I turned so he kissed my cheek. This didn't seem to bother him at all. He kept kissing me until he reached my lips.

I pushed him off again, "You're just saying that."

Ryan chuckled, "I may be an ass, but I'm not a liar."

"Oh yeah, then what about what you're saying to Sarina? I'm sure she knows how you feel about me then." I said angrily.

"Actually, she does. And she's okay with that." Ryan says kissing me right underneath my ear.

"I don't believe you. Liam does love me." I said.

Ryan smiled on my skin, "He told me himself. He's trying to love you, but he can't bring himself to it. He likes you a lot, but he doesn't think he'll love you."

"Oh and you love me right? I'm sureee." I rolled my eyes and he kissed down the length of my neck and back up.

Ryan kissed my chin, "I'm just going to stop this wedding. He doesn't deserve you. I have liked you since I met you. And Sarina? She doesn't like me anymore."

I glared at him again, "I don't believe you! Sarina was like in love with you!"

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Then she got to know me. Guess what? She doesn't like me anymore. That happens in the real world, Riles."

I shook my head, "Fine, then stop the wedding. It's in four days. If you do, I'll be with you as long as it's for forever. If you don't, then I'm going to assume you've been lying to me and I'm going to marry Liam."

Ryan's eyes widened at forever. Then he smirked.

"Deal. I can't wait for you to be mine, babe." Ryan said kissing me on the lips again. This time more rough, but at the same time very caring.

Maybe I forgot about my crush on Ryan because of Sarina liking him.

Ooops, forgot to mention that didn't I?
♠ ♠ ♠
Link to Ryan's new hairstyle: