Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool

In Love with the Tool's Best Friend, and the Tool Still Likes Me. Chapter 1

After Ryan told me he loved me and we left the wedding, my parents came running up to me.

"What did you do that for? You were supposed to marry him!" Mom yelled. Ryan rolled his eyes.

"With all do respect ma'am, you are really loud." Ryan said pulling my wrist.

Mom's mouth widened, "Don't you dare think that you are living with us again. You are kicked out now and forever."

I stared at her, "Where am I going to live?!" I yelled.

Mom shrugged, "I don't care. Find somewhere other than where I am."

Ryan glared at her, "She can stay with me."

Mom threw her hands in the air, "Whatever. Just get out of my life now."

I turned away from her and Ryan drug me to his car.

"Consider this our honeymoon until I can afford an actual wedding." Ryan smiled opening the door for me. I slid in and he shut it for me. He ran to the other side and jumped in.

"I am finally with the girl of my dreams. You have no clue how long I've waited for you." Ryan smiled and took my hand as he steered the car.

I smiled, "I always thought you were really cute. But Sar loved you so much then. I didn't think I had the chance."

Ryan glanced at me, "I did like Sarina for awhile too. But not the way I liked you. You were always just... I don't know. It was so much different with you."

I leaned over and placed my head on his shoulder.

My own personal heaven.

And then my phone rang...
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliffhanga! oh yeah. i'll update soon.