Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool


Of course, when things are supposed to be going so well. Things just have to go wrong right?

That's why Ryan is sleeping on the porch.

That's why Liam is still calling me.

That's why Gwen is torn between Ryan and I.

Let's recap.

Ryan and I were going to bed and we decided that we'd share a bed. So Ryan turns out the light and I snuggle up to him.

Ryan leaned down and began to kiss me. I loved his kisses so I kissed him back. He turned so he was overtop of me and kissed down my neck. He began to take my shirt off. I was in the moment, so I let him.

Ryan then went for my pajama shorts. I pushed his hand away, but kept kissing him. Ryan tried again and I pushed him away.

"Riley..." Ryan groaned. He tried for my pants again.

I pushed him off, "What the hell are you doing?"

Ryan smirked and kissed my ear, "Oh come on love."

"Ryan, no." I said crossing my arms.

"You would've done it with Liam!" Ryan yelled jumping off the bed.

I sat up, "No! I would have if we were married, but not just as a regular thing!"

Ryan snorted, "Please. I knew you kissed him the day he came to Sarina's house and ran gave you that note."

My eyes widened. How did he know about that.

"I didn't sleep with him in his car. I'm not a slut!" I yelled.

Ryan snorted again. My mouth dropped open and I felt tears rush into my eyes.

"You are such a jackass." I said jumping out of the bed. I turned around him and out the bedroom door.

I ran into Gwen on the way out.

"What's going on? Are you okay? Sweetie what is it?" Gwen pressed.

I just shook my head as tears rushed down my face.

"What did you do!?" Gwen yelled. I looked behind me to see Ryan standing behind us.

"I'm sorry. She wouldn't sleep with me. So I got angry and I said some things I didn't mean out of anger." Ryan looked at me and reached for my hand, "I'm sorry."

Gwen pushed him away, "I think you should sleep outside for tonight."

Ryan nodded and without a word he turned away from me and walked down the stairs. I heard the sound of the door opening and closing.

Gwen patted my shoulder, "He just gets angry sometimes. Don't worry."

I nodded, "Thanks."