Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool


Do you know that feeling when everything you've had is gone?

When all that is left is the painful feeling of being alone, and that you might never have someone you love back?

I know that feeling.

But it surprised me to wake up next to Liam. It was almost as if everything with Ryan never happened. Almost as if I never even went to my wedding.

Liam's strong arms were wrapped around my body, and it was a comfortable feeling. Had I been wrong about my feelings for him? Maybe.

But I had been so into my feelings for Ryan that I had pushed every single feeling for Liam aside. I was in love with him. I was in love with both of them.

I didn't know who I loved more.

Liam stirred next to me. I cuddled into his chest, and I felt the warmth that I had loved the first time I had pushed my body against his. Liam whispered lightly in his sleep. I smiled.

"What?" I whispered. Maybe I could get him to answer me.

"Riley, don't...leave me." Liam said. I stared at him, my mouth open, "I love you."

I buried my face into his neck and pretended to be asleep. Liam slowly woke up.

"Riley?" Liam whispered into my hair. I looked up at him.

"Why am I here?" I asked, looking around nervously.

"Ryan dropped you off last night. You were in the rain, freezing." Liam said. At the sound of Ryan's name, I cringed and tears rushed out of my eyes. I buried my head into Liam's neck again and cried.

It was about ten minutes until I felt him pick me up and bring me down the hallway. I held onto his arms. It felt so good to be in his arms again.

I was being placed in a chair. I stared ahead to find I was at the big dining room table. I was served breakfast and Liam sat next to me. I stared at the cream cheese covered bagel and orange juice.

"Riley, please eat." Liam said. I acted like I didn't hear him. He sighed and picked up the bagel, bringing it into my lips, "Eaaaaaaaatttttttt."

I tried not to let out a smile. Or even a giggle. I tired so hard, but he smudged the cream cheese up my nose and I let out a loud laugh. I threw the orange juice in his face and he threw a strawberry at me.

"Are you happier now?" Liam asked. I nodded. Liam smiled, "You have something, right here..."

Then he kissed me.