Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool


I was forgetting something. Something very important. My heart was speeding up, but for what reason? Why was I thinking these thoughts?


Remember, Riley. Remember. What happened? Why am I here?

Liam sits across from me, just finishing his story. And strangely, Ryan is behind him, pacing madly. Liam told me everything... lies, the not getting married part, Ryan and I's breakup. How much I was in love with both of them...

But... when I looked at the two of them, I only saw my love for one thing. And that was for myself, not being dead. Still sitting here, breathing. I couldn't explain what happened in the lake, I saw Ryan... but why? What signifigance was he at that moment?

Ryan finally turned to look at me, "Do you remember anything now?" I sigh and nod. He looks happy and rushes towards me.

"I remember... coming here. Liam being a jerk, what happened with Brianna, what happened with you in my guest bedroom at Sarina's, how you comforted me, that we were together, and that you broke my heart." I say the words, but I feel nothing. It was almost as if I had no feelings left for either of them. Since my near drown, I didn't feel a thing.

"Riley, do you love me? Do you remember loving me?" Ryan's eyes were begging, watering. I felt a pang of guilt. But I couldn't remember my feelings.

"I-I don't think so." I say quietly. I see Ryan's eyes brim nearly over with tears. He wipes them quickly and stands up again... away from me and stares out the window.

"What about me, Riley? Do you remember any feelings for me?" Liam asks. I see out of the corner of my eye that Ryan looks angry that Liam would ask me that question.

I shake my head, "No. I don't remember any feelings for either of you."

"Liam. Stop pushing her. I'm going to take her home... to where she belongs." Ryan walks towards me again. His hand forcefully pulling me up.

"No. It's your fault that she's in this mess." Liam stood and took my other arm. He gave it a tug, and I stumbled towards him.

"She's not yours to keep."

"She's not yours either... You broke her heart. Remember? She came crying to me." Liam's eyes were angry, menacing.

"I asked you to take care of her, but you almost made her drown." Ryan tugged me back towards him, Liam let go.

"STOP IT! Just stop it already! I don't love either of you. I don't care how much that hurts. But I don't. I'm not going to live with you Liam, and from what it sounds like, I'm more safe living with Ryan. I'm not choosing either of you as my boyfriend, fiancee or whatever... I just want to go to sleep." My eyes brimming with tears. My stomach hurt and I was so tired it hurt to be standing up. I wanted to go to sleep.

Ryan's eyes were the most sentimental. Liam looked angrily at Ryan.

"You never were a good friend, Davis." Liam's voice was so low and chilling that my spine got chilled itself.

"Let me just go, please? I just want to sleep." I wobbled a bit, and my eyes started to close. I felt Ryan's arms catch me and a strange feeling erupted in my stomach as his arms encircled me.

"I'll take you home." Ryan's voice whispered. And then we were moving. I was in a half daze, everything coming in a blur as we made it out to his car and he placed me softly inside.

I don't remember the drive, maybe I was asleep. It was a dreamless, soft sleep. I do remember, though, Ryan picking me up and walking me up to the house. Through my half closed eyelids I recognized the house so easily.

I was still in Ryan's arms when I heard Gwen run towards us.

"She's back? Ryan, what did you do?"

"She doesn't love me mom. She doesn't remember after the-" Ryan's voice cracked and I felt a soft tear fall onto my arm.

"Accident... It'll be alright. She'll remember you, Ryan. She will. Love that strong cannot be forgotten so easily." Gwen assured him. Ryan must have nodded, because he went stiff and I bounced a bit.

"I'm going to take her to bed."

Ryan was walking again, and I was soon placed on a soft, warm sheet. A contented sigh escaped my throat as I cuddled into the oh so familiar scent of the pillows. It was Ryan's scent. His warm, nice smell that made any girl within a foot of him swoon. And for some reason at this moment, me as well.

What I didn't expect though, is Ryan cuddling up next to me. But with his body close to me, I felt as though I could sleep. And my eyes drifted close.

And I dreamed.

I dreamed that Ryan was kissing me, and it was the most amazing feeling in the world. The feeling that couldn't be described. Like before when he touched me I felt this feeling. It was strong and powerful. I couldn't stop it.

Was this feeling, no, it couldn't possibly be. Could it?
