Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool

Marrying a Total Tool Chapter 4

I woke up to a bright light. I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings. The whole place was unfamiliar. I searched my brain, trying to remember what happened and why I'm in a strange room. And the memories came flooding back. The arguement with Liam.
I stood up slowly and saw my pajamas sitting next to me. I sighed and stood up.I was in a bedroom, proably a guest bedroom. There was a plain bed in the middle with a big ass window and a dresser with a TV on top. It kind of looked like a hotel room.
I decided that maybe it was time to get out of this room. I slowly unlocked the door, opened it, and stepped outside. I checked both ways to make sure that Liam wasn't lurking around. I felt safe and made a run for it, but stopped dead in my tracks.
I had no clue where I was.
I tried to remember where I was. But when I tried to recall where I ran to the night before, all I remembered was the salty tears pouring down my face.
I assumed I should go left and I started to wander through the house.
After almost an hour of searching I made it to the staircase. I quick dropped my hair out of its pony tail and threw it up in a bun. I looked from left to right and sat down on the railing. I closed my eyes and slid down. On my landing, I crashed into someone.
Liam had his arms crossed angrily, but his eyes were soft, "Riley, you shouldn't do that, you could've gotten hurt." Liam said with probably fake concern.
I snorted and rolled my eyes, "Like you care what I do." I said turning past him and walking towards what smelled like breakfast.
"Riley, I do." Liam said from behind me. I just waved my hand at him as I walked into the dining room.
Guin and Rob were sitting at a long table with coffee and muffins on a plate. Guin saw me first and she clapped her hands together.
"Riley! It's so good to see you! Did you have a good night sleep?" Guin asked quickly. She practically jumped out of her chair and came over to hug me, "Are you still in last night's clothes?"
I just shook my head, "I was so tired I just fell right asleep in these. And yes, I had a great night sleep." I lied straight through my teeth.
Guin smiled, "Okay, that's fine. Let's have some breakfast. What would you like?"
I smiled back, "Well, whatever is fine. I don't want to be a bother." I said looking at the floor quickly then back up at Guin.
"You can have whatever you like. And please, don't worry. You are going to be part of the family. Tomorrow starts the countdown to the wedding!" Guin squealed. Joy.
I smiled, "I can't wait."
Rob looked up at us, "Riley, I thought I heard yelling last night. You and Liam didn't get in an arguement did you?" Rob's question silenced everyone.
"No, of course not. We played Wii Tennis before bed and were arguing over who won." I said quickly, hoping my lie would work.
Rob smiled, "That's what I thought, Liam loves that thing."
I nodded. Then right on cue, my stomach growled. Guin smiled at me and snapped her fingers. Three men in white chef coats came up to her with plates with fruit, muffins, and bagels.
"Please, eat." Guin said taking her place back at the table. I took a muffin and half a bagel off the plate and another man came out with a plate and set my food on it and placed me across from Guin.
I sat down in the chair, baffled.
Guin shook her hand at me, "You'll get used to this."
I nodded.
I sure as hell hope so.
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sorry it was short. i had ski racing for four hours straight in the freezing cold and then i had to ride a horse for an hour. so im exhausted. i'll write ch. 5 tomorrow or tuesday