Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool

Marrying a Total Tool Chapter 8

Tom stared at me for awhile. I started to feel really uncomfortable.

"Um, can I like, help you?" I asked, not caring all that much if I sounded rude. Tom didn't seem to notice. But he quick turned around and looked then turned to me and pushed me against the wall, covering his body over mine.

"What are you doing?" I tried pushing him away, but he latched his fingers onto my waist. He looked back once more and then turned his head back to mine and kissed me.

I was in such a shock I had my eyes open, and what I saw surprised me. Tom kept on roughly kissing me, and it wasn't like it was terrible, but it was who he was kissing me in front of.


"Riley?" Liam's voice whispered. Tom lifted his head and turned away from me.

"Oh, Liam man. I didn't know you'd be coming this way." Tom said with a smirk. Liam looked angry, and hurt. The same way I felt when he introduced Brianna as his girlfriend.

Liam had a cold glare to Tom, "I'm sorry, but I need to be doing something. You have to leave... now." Liam said icily. Tom just smirked and flipped Liam off before strutting his way down the hallway. Before turning the corner he turned around and blew me a kiss.

I shuddered and looked back to Liam. He looked incredibly angry, and hurt too.

Liam took a step towards me, "Riley, w-, I just... why?" Liam asked me. His fists clenched and his knuckles went white.

I ran a hand through my hair, "It's not like you care. You do have a girlfriend." I said shrugging my shoulders. Liam looked taken aback. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

Liam put his fingers on his temples and began massaging them, "I didn't, Riley... I, I'm... it's just that Brianna... I don't..."

I put a hand up to silence him, "This isn't getting anywhere. You have a girlfriend. But that won't matter in twenty three days. You know that right? That she won't be anything when you are forced to marry me?" I said, now tears rushing into my eyes.

Liam still looked angry, "No, you don't get it. I only stayed with her because she was..."

"Hot?" I said rolling my eyes. Liam nodded.

"But I was going to break up with her. I swear. And Tom knew all of this. He knew that I liked you, and he did this on purpose." Liam started to rant, but I stopped him again. This time I grabbed his hand and forced him to look at me.

"What did you just say?" I asked placing my other hand on his arm to pull him forward more again.

Liam blushed lightly, "Tom knew that I liked you. The only other person was--" Liam didn't get to finish.

"Me." A blunt, annoying voice said from behind me. I immediately rolled my eyes. Ryan, Sarina's now boyfriend who probably doesn't really like her, decides to show up.

Ryan walked up to us and eyed me for a second, "Hey Riley." He winked and Liam's jaw clenched again, "Liam, chill. I have my own toy."

I almost screamed, "Don't talk about Sarina that way."

Ryan laughed, "I'm not. I was kidding. And for the record, I do like Sarina. I always have. I'm just a player." Ryan smirked.

Liam glared at Ryan.

"Alright, I'll go. Sarina's in the car. I just wanted to be here for your breakup with Brianna. Dude, she has got to go." Ryan said looking at his biceps for a second and then back to us.

Liam nodded, "I was about to. But can you please go so I can finish this? I don't want people to come looking for me."

Ryan nodded and waved to me goodbye, an actual human side of him. Once Ryan had walked around the corner of the hall, Liam turned back to me.

Liam smiled, "What I'm trying to tell you, is that I'm going to break up with Brianna, because I want to be with you. I really like you. I really, really like you."

I smiled, "I like you too."

Liam blushed again, "And um, I know this is creepy, but I kissed you last night. While you were, uhh, sleeping."

I smirked, "I know. I wasn't sleeping."

Liam blushed again, "I knew it."

"How?" I laughed.

"You kissed back. People don't do that unconsciously."

I laughed again, "Well how about we try it awake." I smiled. Liam did too, before slowly leaning in and capturing my mouth with his.

The kiss was heaven. But like always, interruption was right with us.

"What is going on here!?"