Seasons Change

Seasons Change

I would sit by my window waiting for you to walk across the bridge. But you never did. I’d be waiting till the sky turned black and the leaves fell soundlessly to the ground wondering when you would return to me.

I didn’t even like the outdoors. I was never a fan of nature and the bugs that came with it in fact, but I put that aside just so I could see your face again. I would be sat on that bench, swinging my gangly legs as I patted down my red pinafore dress. I had the red lipstick to match. It was that same dress I wore when I first met you, when you first knew that you had me. I still remember your words, ‘you look gorgeous doll. Any man would be proud to have you on his arm.’ To this day your charm is still so vivid I still get enraptured.
I used to wonder if you would be as happy to see me as I would be to see you, but that is a question left unanswered.

After being outside for days on end I began to vision the world around me differently. I listened to the wind floating back and forth, the bees buzzing from one attractive flower to the next, the pairing of birds in the trees softly chirping their love songs, gazing around as I was. The difference being that they had each other, while all I had was myself.
I had hoped that one day those birds would have been us, just sitting and watching the world go by, together.
But now I see how that won’t happen.

You were the bee and I was the flower. The only thing was that you flew away before I had my chance to bloom.
You promised me you would come back, after ‘business had been settled.’ I can still picture that dazzle of a smile that you gave as you said that and then you hugged me good-bye. Your firm grip lingered as you walked out the door and drove away. The sky was pouring with rain but I couldn’t help but walk out and watch you drive away until you became too miniscule to see anymore.

I didn’t want to let go but I know that you have, so I suppose I have no choice.

Although, now I’ll be like the wind. A free spirit, but I’ll always float past you now and again.
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So this was a monologue I had to write for drama one time. I found it hard but soom got into it.
Sorry if it sucks. Review?