Sequel: Soria Girl
Status: Regular updates every Sunday and Wednesday.

Renny Boy

Epilogue: Famous...?

The following Monday was just packed. A week before, I was just nobody, but then…I was a celebrity.

Our teachers recognized and congratulated us, and our peers kept asking for our FlySpace - which, really, was pretty neat, even if we didn’t have one just yet. And in third period during lunch, the cafeteria imploded once Plaster Caster walked in, a part of Mrs. V’s seventh grade life science class.

Soria turned to me, scratched her head, and said:

“I think we’re famous.”
♠ ♠ ♠
If you're wondering why the heck you're getting a notification for an update on this story that hasn't been touched for years, then I have news for you - I reposted it! I re-wrote the series in 2011 and posted them as I rewrote them, but since then, there's been a lot of tweaking and screwin' around with characters, especially in Brendan Dude and Lukey Kid.

I'll get right on reposting Soria Girl, and when they're all done, I'll probably post a blog here about it, haha. XD