Sequel: The One That Got Away
Status: On a small Hiatus. Thinking of bigger ideas and plus I am caught up in college work and exams. Sorry for the long wait! x

Who'd Have Known.

That last kiss, I'll cherish.

"Juliet, I don't feel so well," moaned Jack. I placed my hand on his small forehead and placed a kiss on it.

"Just, try to sleep Jack. I promise you'll feel all better tomorrow," I said trying to get him to sleep. His moaning was beginning to give me a headache and it was starting to get really late. The seven year old fell back into his bed and tried to sleep. I left his door open an inch praying to God he would fall asleep.

I dragged myself downstairs and landed sloppily on the couch and sighed. I grabbed my phone from my handbag and noticed I had one unread text. I sat upright and curiously opened up the message.

Hi Juliet, long time no see. What you doing tonight? Maybe we can catch up. Love Danny x

So Danny is my ex boyfriend but we ended on quite good terms. We decided to stay friends but we haven't spoke to each other since the break-up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to invite him around. I glanced at the clock; Johnny wasn't going to be home for another 3 hours. I clicked reply.

Hey Danny! I'm babysitting but you can come around. Love Juliet x

Maybe it wasn't going to be such a terrible night after all.


Danny showed up. He had changed so much since I had last seen him. He was a lot taller than last time and he looked better too, a lot more attractive. Now, his hair was brushed to one side with a tiny of blonde in it. He was dressed a lot better too and it showed through his tight shirt that he had been working out.

At the moment we were on the black love seat talking about our old relationship, shockingly it wasn't awkward.

"I miss you so much Juliet," Danny spoke softly, running a hand through my black hair. I smiled as my face fell into his hand and he began to stroke my cheek with his thumb.

"I miss you too," We both began to lean forward and shared a sweet, tender kiss. As we pulled away I realized I wanted more. I leaned in again and we shared a more passionate kiss. His hand snaked around my waist and lowered me down onto the couch so he was on top of me. In the heat of the kiss, my leg found it's way around his waist and my arms around his neck. Danny's cold hand gave me goosebumps as it sneaked up my shirt and around my waist.

Forgetting where I was, I moaned against his lips making him smirk. My hands ran down his chest and quickly began to unbutton his shirt. We unlocked lips so he could take off mine and once it was off we connected lips again.

"Hey Juliet, I hope Jack didn't..... Juliet!!!" I pulled apart from Danny and pushed him off me making him collapse to the floor in a heap. There towering over us was Johnny, anger covering his face. I soon realized that I had no shirt on. Shit! I stood up and quickly threw it on.

"Juliet! What the fuck do you think your doing?" Johnny shouted glaring at Danny, who stood up forgetting he had his shirt off, utterly confused to what had just happened.

"J... Johnny I'm sorry I just....." I stuttered. Instead of letting me finish my sentence he opened the front door.

"You get out!" He instructed to Danny, who had thrown his shirt back on. Danny didn't either bother saying goodbye, he just muttered 'Screw this' and ran out of the door, not daring to look at Johnny. He slammed the door shut and marched straight towards me. I had never seen this side of Johnny before and it was almost scaring me.

"What do you think you were doing Juliet? And with someone like him!" He yelled, almost not caring that his children would be able to hear everything.

"I'm sorry Johnny I got carried away. And what do you mean someone like him?" I shouted back. How dare he say that about Danny! He didn't even know him.

"Someone who just want's to use you for sex!" My eyes widened. How could he say something like that?

"What?! Johnny you don't know anything about him. So stay out okay?"

"Stay out? You were almost having sex on my couch!"

"Okay. You know what Johnny.." I picked my handbag up from the floor and moved closer towards him. I put my lips so close to his ear that I could feel his hot unsteady breath tease my neck. "I quit." Aggressively, I pushed him out of my way but suddenly I felt his hand grip tightly around my wrist, spinning me around to face him.

"What the fu..!"

That's when his lips collided with mine.
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x x