Status: Done

Like My Work of Art

You Must Wonder Why I Look at You That Way

I woke up the next morning tired. Matt had decided to start playing again late at night. Needless to say I got very little sleep. It took me longer to get ready because of my lack of motivation. Before heading to school I stopped by Starbucks hoping the caffeine would help wake me up some.

As I was waiting for my mocha I spotted Leah at a table with Derek Bloom, one of Matt's best friends. They must have saw me because they waved me over. I grabbed the mocha that was just placed in front of me and made my way over to them. Even though Derek was Matt's friend it didn't really bother me because he's not a huge asshole, and because Leah has had a thing for him since I met her.

"Hey Megan," they greeted as I sat down.

"Hey, do either of you have the math homework from last night? I couldn't finish mine."

"Yeah, here you go." she says digging in her book bag before handing her work to me.

I said my thanks and began copying down the answers. We sat there for a few more minutes before we left for school.


In English, as I was working on my story, out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Derek kept shooting glances at Leah. She was completely oblivious to it since she was so caught up in what she was writing. At one point I caught his eye and shot him a knowing smile, he turned away blushing.

The smile quickly turned into a glare though once Matt turned around. I watched as his eyes went from curious to furious as they connected with mine. It was so intense I had to look away or else I would have started crying. I don't think I'll ever understand why he hates me so much. The worst part is I can't seem to hate him back.

~*~ Matt's Point of View~*~

I'd just got done writing about a heroine falling in love with the villain, in my story, when I saw Derek look away blushing. Curiosity got the best of me so I turned around to see what he was looking at. I saw Megan looking this way with a smile on her face. That quickly changed to a glare when she looked at me. I was instantly filled with rage, she is mine!

"You like Megan!" I accuse, every word laced with disgust and anger.

"No, I like her friend Leah."

"Then why the fuck were you blushing when she looked over here?" I demanded.

"She caught me staring at Leah." he mumbled embarrassed.

"Oh." was all I said relaxing.

"Are you going to invite her to your party tomorrow?" our friend Manning asked, jumping onto the conversation.

"Yeah, I think I will." he replied getting up and walking over to them.

Twelve minutes later he was returned with a cheesy smile on his face.

"They're coming," he announced, reclaiming his seat.

"They?" Manning asked raising an eyebrow.

"Her friend Megan is coming too."

"Of course she is." I mutter.

Great the only time I can escape from her she has to ruin for me. Why couldn't Derek like a girl that wasn't her best friend? I sighed and went back to my story, realizing the description of the heroine fit Megan exactly. What scared me most was that the villain was the exact version of me.