Status: OMG OMG OMG!! :D here it is!! <3

The Cemetery Chronicles: Lip Ring Terror

Living water, the chasm isn’t fixed yet…

The words on the paper were blood red. How was I talked into using a red pen for my English essay?

I don’t like the color red because it reminds me of blood and when I see too much blood, I go crazy. I literally loose my mind. But somehow, my English teacher talked me into writing in red. I believe his exact words were: “You use black too much. Why not write this essay in a different color?” My first choice was purple but nope, he said “How does red sound? I can almost guarantee a better grade if you use a red pen.” I guess a better grade was the only incentive to make myself go completely insane.

Would it be worth it though?

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket but I didn’t want to answer. I was afraid for the poor soul on the other line who would more than likely feel my wrath. Then, the ringtone went off. It was my girlfriend, Tina’s.

I quickly dug my phone out of my deep pockets.


“Hey, Jake! How are you, baby?” she asked in her usual bubbly voice.

“Better now that I’m talking to you.” I said honestly.


“I’m not even kidding babe.”

“What’s wrong?” She asked; suddenly apprehensive.

“Red pen.” And that’s all I had to say to her. She knows about my “condition”.

“Why were you using a red pen?”

I sighed. “Long story.”

“I’ll be over in ten minutes.”

“NO!” I didn’t mean to shout. I just didn’t want her to take a wrong step and end up hurt.

“Oh. I--I guess I won’t come then.” She said in a small voice.

“It’s not like I don’t want you around, baby. It’s just that I don’t want you near me right now. I’m afraid I might lash out at you and end up hurting you.”

“Oh. Okay. Well call me if you feel any better tonight, okay?”

“’Kay, babe. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

We hung up and I closed the folder holding the demon essay. Curse that damn thing. I decided I needed to calm myself and find my inner peace again. I moved over to the wall and leaned up against it. I started to stare at the wall opposite of me. My walls are all a deep blue which, for me, is super calming. As I stared off into space, I was reminded of water. And even though water is 70% of your blood, water is by far my favorite thing.

A loud pounding came from my door, followed by my little brother’s annoying voice.


I pounded back. “Shut the fuck up!”

“Oo! I’m telling mom!”

I heard his running footsteps. I threw open the door and chased after him. As soon as I was close enough, I tackled him to the ground.

“Ow! Get off me you jerk!”

“What on Earth is going on here?” mom asked seriously.

“Jake said fuck!” my little brother said as we got up off the floor.

“Thomas! Don’t you ever say that word again!”

“But Jake said it first, mom!”

“Yeah, but only cause you were pushing me over the edge!” I promptly replied.

We started an intense glare-down. My hands clenched into fists and I’m pretty sure his did too.


We turned to face her.

“Now Jacob, how was Tom pushing you?”

“He was playing up on my sensitivity to blood.” Saying the word made me literally shiver.

“Thomas. You can’t keep doing that to your brother.”

“Yeah, yeah I know.”

“No. obviously you don’t. We’ve gone through this time and time again but yet you continue to act like this.”

“So Jake gets off the hook?!”

“You honestly think mom favors me? I’m still in trouble.”

“Jake’s right. He will be punished.”

I sighed. Knowing my misfortune, I’d be grounded to the house for God knows how long.

Mom turned to me. “No Internet for the rest of the day.”

“That’s it? No catch?” I asked; astonished.


“What? That’s not fair!” Tommy shouted.
Mom faced him this time. “You’re grounded from the Internet for two weeks and you’re not allowed to leave the house except for school for one week.”


“We’ve told you numerous times not to torment your brother.”

My brother ran off to his room screaming and crying. I grinned on the inside. I went back up to my room and decided to lie down on the carpeted floor. I started to stare at my ceiling and think.
♠ ♠ ♠
ah ha!

the elusive first chapter!!

Anyone who has read The Haunting of Pine Ridge Cemetery will soon notice that this is getting quite familiar...but not yet...soon though. :D

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<3 KT