Status: OMG OMG OMG!! :D here it is!! <3

The Cemetery Chronicles: Lip Ring Terror

And when you’re feeling empty, keep me in your memory.

“Travis. Look.”

I imagine Travis looked, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to know what Brit found. She seemed to be a bad omen of sorts.
Not to be mean or anything…but still.

“Is it possible?” Travis asked in an abnormal tone of fear and depression.

We all turned.

Britney nodded once. “I was right.”

“I don’t want to hear that!” David shouted; still in tears.

“Not hearing won’t bring her back.”

“Shut up Britney!”

“I’m just—“

“I said SHUT UP!”

There was sort of an awkward silence after that. Tina broke the ice.

“Look, we all miss her but we can’t keep going for each others’ throats. We can’t let them get to us.”

If she was referring to the ghosts and spirits, she was a little late to give this speech. “Too late.”

David started to pet Gwen’s arm.



What did he think she was? A dog?

The blood continued to fall in a depressing beat.

“I’ve got to get away.” David said with the upmost urgency.

Travis and Britney quickly stood up. I slowly stood up so I wouldn’t hut Tina.

“Just for a short walk.” He reassured us. “I’ll be back.”

“Let me come with.”

“No. I’ll be okay Travis.”

“You sure?” he pressed.

He paused. “No…I’m not sure.”

As he walked away, I sat back down with Tina. She was still in terrible pain and I was starting to wish I had some Tylenol or something.
♠ ♠ ♠
I realy hope this is the whole chapter. Myyearbook has a tendency to not send the whole message o_O

Chapter title: Leave out all the Rest by Linkin Park