Status: OMG OMG OMG!! :D here it is!! <3

The Cemetery Chronicles: Lip Ring Terror

There are people dying and it’s time to lend a hand

Tina was sobbing. I tried to comfort her by saying that everything would be okay and that no harm would come to her.

Apparently my words were just white noise.

“What do we do?” Tina asked while crying.

“I’m not sure Tina. I think all we can do is what they want us to do. Die.” Brit replied.

“No.” I said. “There has to be another way!”

She shook her head. “No there isn’t.”

Tina continued to sob. She was standing so I knew that she didn’t want comfort at this particular moment. I walked near Britney and Travis while they were in a hug.

I wish I could hug Tina again. But she’s in so much pain, I think I would break her if I tried.

Tina wiped away her tears and started to walk over to us. But, a big branch appeared and tripped her.
She tried to get back up, but only fell again. She tried once more but when she fell, her legs bumped a heavy tombstone which fell forward and crushed her.
“Tina! No!” I shouted as her blood spattered my face.
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Chapter title: We Are the World by Tyler Ward and Crew