Status: OMG OMG OMG!! :D here it is!! <3

The Cemetery Chronicles: Lip Ring Terror

I never meant to be so cold

We waited an hour. A whole fucking hour! In that hour, Gwen and I ate cookies and played Guitar Hero. But it wasn’t just us. Her older brother, Billy, came home from college and played with us. I kicked Gwen’s ass and he kicked mine. Of course he didn’t beat me by much. Just by like…ten points. Then, Tina finally came to pick us up.

“Well it’s about time!” I said with a grin.

She smacked my arm playfully. “Shut up.” I did so by kissing her.

“Billy, are you sure you don’t want to come?” Gwen asked for the hundredth time.

“I’ll be fine. I’ll stay and help dad with some stuff. You go have fun.” He poked her in the head and she smoothed down her hair while saying ‘no’ in a very high-pitched and whiney sort of way. I chuckled to myself.

“So where are we picking up David?” Tina asked.

Gwen sighed. “The elementary school. He’s with his baby sister.”

Tina nodded. “Fantab! Now everyone in! We’ve got to got get Brit and Travis still!”

I got in the front seat while Gwen got in the back. Billy waved goodbye as we pulled away.

We’ve all been lost for most of our lives. Everywhere we turn, more hatred surrounds us.

We went to the school and picked up David first without a problem. He jumped in the back and chatted up a storm with Gwen.

It was when we picked up Travis we noticed the problem. We were short one seat.

“Nah, we’ll be fine. Brit can sit on my lap.” Travis said with a grin.

Then, I noticed that he had a bag.

“Dude, what’s in the bag?”

“Stuff.” He said like it didn’t even matter. It was the sly wink that let me know that it did matter in some way, shape, or form.

“I have a bag too.” David said. To prove his point, he lifted up a navy blue duffel bag.

I looked him in the eye. “Stuff?” I asked.

“Two sweatshirts, a light jacket, three flashlights, food, and some pop.”

“What kind of food?” Tina asked.

He smiled. “Mom made cookies and I got candy.”

“Awesome!” Travis gave him a high five.

I laughed inside. Travis was usually a quiet guy. Well, at least at school. After school, he was a riot! Always telling jokes, making himself look like a dork, and always making people laugh. This was the reason why I used to have a crush on him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title: Cold by Crossfade

sorry it took so long. everything is at school!!! and the rest of my chapters didnt send to my account. :( but I promise, I will get them on ASAP!!

I love you all! <3