Status: OMG OMG OMG!! :D here it is!! <3

The Cemetery Chronicles: Lip Ring Terror

Nobody will listen

Everyone was yelling at me. I was starting to get a migraine.

“What? Until Morning?!” Tina shouted.

“Look that’s just what my mom said! I think it’s just a rumor.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I didn’t think it would matter!”

“Well Jacob , it does! If it’s true, then we have to stay here until morning and we might die!” her face was turning a vivid red from all the shouting she was doing. It was apparent that she was pissed at me.

“Okay Tina, relax. That might be a little bit of an over exaggeration.”

She scoffed. “Whatever Britney.”

I put a hand on Tina’s shoulder. She shrugged it off. “Listen, maybe my mom was wrong.”

She sighed with irritation and turned away from me.

“Here, maybe I can open it.”

David pushed through us and pulled a flexible antenna out of his duffel. He started to pose it in many different shapes.

“I pick locks like this all the time. It should be a snap.” He said before I could ask.

“You pick locks all the time?” Britney asked.

“Yeah. It’s really easy to do when….you don’t have anything to live for.”

“What are you talking about David? You have Gwen!”

“Not for long.”

Gwen started to tear up and I started to get pissed. I wanted to punch that punk-ass mother fucker.

“David what are you talking about? I’ll never leave you!”

“But I have to leave you.”

She burst into tears. Okay this kid is begging for a beating and I intend to give him one. I could feel my muscles tense.

“What’s wrong with you David?!” Britney shouted.

“Yeah, David! We thought you loved Gwen!”

“I do love her. But it’s just that-“

“Is there someone else?” Tina interrupted.

“No! I’m d-“

“Done with Gwen?”

“No. I-“

“Never really liked Gwen?”


Tina’s face fell and my heart turned to stone and sunk.

David? Dying? Holy shizz.

“I’m 17 and a half now and I’m supposed to die at 19.”

Gwen dropped to her knees and bawled. I was about to kneel down and comfort her, but David beat me there.

“I love you Gwen. I don’t think I could live without you. But I want you to promise me something.”

“Anything.” She sniffled.

“Promise me that after I die, you’ll keep living.”

She cried louder and nodded. Poor Gwen.


We all turned to face twin girls.

“We’re Lucy and Leah.” She gestured to herself and then her sister. “Are you guys okay?”

Britney nodded. “I’m Britney. This is Tina, Jacob, Travis, Gwen, and David.” She pointed to all of us in turn.

“Nice to meet all of you.” Lucy said. “Were you guys just leaving?”

“Trying to.” Tina said.

“What do you mean?” Leah asked. Her voice sounded exactly like Lucy’s except Leah’s was more…harmonic. I would imagine their parents would have had difficulty trying to figure out which one was which.

“It’s locked.” Brit said.

“Oh.” The twins said simultaneously.

Then, a gust of wind blew through our hair. I could’ve sworn I heard someone (or something) whisper ‘Lucy’.

Right after, Lucy fell to the ground. “Ow!” she said instantly.

She started to get to her feet but she was pulled backwards faster then any of us could grasp. She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Lucy! No!”

I saw Leah try to run after her twin, but I grabbed her and held her with vise strength.

“No! Let go of me! Lucy! Lucy no! Come back!”

She started to cry hysterically.

“Lucy.” Her voice was now nothing like her sister’s and was slightly pathetic.

Looks like Mom was right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title: Runaway Love by Ludacris

what do you think?? Comments would be great!! :D