Status: OMG OMG OMG!! :D here it is!! <3

The Cemetery Chronicles: Lip Ring Terror

I'm sick of the tension, sick of the hunger Sick of acting like I owe you this

I started to feel…odd. Could you blame me? I’m sensitive to blood and here, there was blood everywhere. I could feel the insanity try to make itself at home inside my mind. I kept my head though. But there was definitely a war going on.

I followed Britney and Travis back to the group.

“Where’s Leah?” Tina asked.

“Gone. She went for a walk.” Brit replied dully. That was somewhat of an understatement I think. Sure she left, but not in walking form.

“Travis, what’s wrong?” Gwen asked. I looked over at him and of course, he looked like he would never be cheerful again.

“Lucy. Is. Dead.” He said each word with the most care he could probably manage.

“Well, duh. We know that. But what’s so wrong that’s rendered you nearly speechless?” she asked.

Um, what was that? Did she seriously say ‘duh’ to the fact that a girl about our age was dead?

Sometimes Gwen can be a bitch.

She may be like a sister to me.

But she’s still a bitch sometimes.

“Skinned. Crudely skinned.” He said with dark horror in his voice. It didn’t reflect the great guy he was on the inside.

Gwen shuddered and David turned a sickly greenish color.
And like I presumed, he stood up and got as far as he could and puked his guts out.
Poor little marshmallow.

“Guys.” Britney said with a shaky voice that sounded like she was going to throw up too.

We all quickly surrounded her.

“Leah.” She said.

As I looked over her shoulder, I saw why she sounded that way. Leah’s face in the picture had a 2 etched on it.

“We’ve got to find her!” Tina exclaimed.

“How Tina?” I shouted.

“I don’t know.” She replied.

I felt like punching her. She didn’t understand.

“Look, maybe we should go find her.”

“Great idea, Britney.” David said.

We all started running the same way Leah did. We were all calling her name with no calls back.

But, then we found her…unharmed.

I sighed in relief. No harm had come to her.

Just then, huge claw marks appeared out of nowhere. Blood was everywhere, everything, and everyone. I started to shake from the contact with it.

Then, Tina jumped at Leah to tackle her to the ground but another set of claw marks appeared and they scratched Tina’s mid section. Leah screamed in terror and pain.

But after what seemed like ten lifetimes, the screaming and blood stopped and was replaced by Tina’s cries.

David threw up and I almost joined him until it processed in my brain.

That was Tina!

I ran to her side and elevated her head.

“It’s okay, hon. I promise, we’ll get out of here. I love you.” I mumbled along with other comforting words.

“Britney…what’s happening?” Gwen asked.

“I think we’re dying in the order we came.” She replied.

“We don’t know that!” David shouted after wiping the puke off his mouth.

“No. We don’t. But it could be a possibility.” She said.

“We have to get out of here!” Gwen said hysterically.

“How?” I asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title: Place for my Head by Linkin Park

four updates in one day!! :D don't ya love me!! <3