Sequel: Burning Desires
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan , we love you and nothing will stop us from remembering your legacy. Our hearts are with your friends, family and your loving wife. We miss you dude.


Febuary 20th 2004 - Jade

Dear Matt (is that okay?),

I've been fired, I have no job which sucks a lot
because I have hamster babies to keep fed and what not.
They told me I wasn't 'pleasing' the customers like I should.
What am I supposed to do? Sleep with them?

Its just crazy. So now, here I am job hunting.AGAIN.
I got a letter from UCLA, turns out I got accepted but,
I have to pay a 40,000 dollar tuition which I don't have -
Financial aid had denied my request. So I suppose I'll
be going to a community college in the fall.

Music - lets see, I listen to a lot of stuff, mainly Alternative though,
While I worked at the strip club I listened to slow jam and R&B and some
times metal depending on the clients preference. I'm not too picky
usually It just depends on my mood and if I fell like listening to music
Which I usually do.

Well, I just got a call - they re-hired me saying they were short so I guess I'm
stripper again - like I said this temporary I really hate this job as soon as I get on
I'm giving them a piece of my mind! I mean I made a load of money off of being a stripper, That's probably the only reason I took the job back. I just wish I could get out of here, go to college and live my life a girl my age should be. I don't want to be struggling forever,
if you know what I mean.

So a question for you, Matt;
The most embarrassing thing you've ever done in your life?

Mine would have to be the time I got wasted when I was 16 and I began table dancing for my boyfriend's friends. I used to be so conservative - hard to see myself as that
now. =)


P.s Snowballs babies have some fur now - so cute.