Status: im transferring over from quizilla, so give me some time <3

Selfish Wants


Keller and I talked until the bell rang to go to class. “What’s your first period?” she inquired.

“Umm…” I paused to look at the schedule. “Ugh… great. I have math first,” I groaned

Yes! Me too….. Now I have an excuse to be late!” Keller squealed. “Come to the bathroom with me!”

She grabbed my wrist and started running towards the bathrooms in Building 1. As soon as she had pulled me into the bathroom, she turned to me and smiled, “Make-up check.” She about-faced and headed for the mirror. I followed eagerly. We stood there for at least 5 minutes perfecting our lip gloss, eye shadow, eye liner, powder, hair, and everything else.

We decided that we should get to class.

We walked into Room 304 to see the teacher in the middle of a lecture. Man, did he look pissed. “Ms. Curtis, you’re late….again,” he said, trying hard to refrain from growling.

Keller broke out her acting skills. “I’m sorry, Mr. Shields. I was just helping the new girl around the school.” She urged me forward..

His face turned from pissy to smiling, but it was forced. I followed Keller’s example. I stepped forward, acting, “Hi,” I said softly. He stopped smiling now.

“Well, Ms, Curtis, take your seat,” he demanded. I stood there, still, acting, not certain on what to do. “Well, your name….” he prompted.

“Uh… Jasmine, Jasmine Chappellet,” I answered.

His face changed from annoyance to awe. He obviously knew who I was. “Well, Ms. Chappellet, take the seat next to Mr. Speights. Shane, raise your hand,” he ordered, still in awe. The name sent a shock through me. I was praying that it was the Shane. To my delight, it was, but he… he didn’t look too happy with my presence. I sat down with a small smile.

“Hi,” I said, facing Shane. He just glared at me, like it was my fault that his girlfriend left. His accusing glare infuriated me “It’s not my fault that your girlfriend left you, so stop glaring at me like it is!!” I whispered furiously, because Mr. Shields had already gone on with his lecture. Shane’s eyes went wide.

“Who told you that?” he replied, his voice thick with sadness.

“Why do you care? You didn’t have the civility to talk to me earlier,” I responded, referring to the incident before school and what happened just a few minutes ago. His eyes hardened, as did his voice. He then muttered something I don’t think he meant for me to hear, but I did.

“Bitch,” he muttered.

“Maybe I wouldn’t be such a bitch if you were even the smallest bit-“

“Are you enjoying your conversation, Mrs. Chappellet?” Mr. Shields asked, right behind us. I didn’t notice him and Shane, obviously, didn’t either. “Detention, Mrs. Chappellet. Same goes for you Mr. Speights.” Mr. Shields declared, stalking off without a second look.

Great, just great, I think to myself, First day of school and I already have a detention.

This is gonna be one long school year.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for it being so short, but its pre written i cant do anything about that! I wanted to develop Shane's character just a little, but don't worry. The other characters', well, characters, will also be developed in later chapters, so just hang in there for just a little while!!!

Comments = love in the form of doughnuts! :D