Status: im transferring over from quizilla, so give me some time <3

Selfish Wants

Dude, You Can't Act!

First period passed slowly. After Shane and I got busted, Mr. Shields wouldn’t stop smiling and Keller, who happened to be seated all the way across the room from me, kept shooting me apologetic looks. The bell finally rang and I jumped up. Keller came over to me.

“Jas!! Man, a detention already? What were you two talking about?” she inquired as we walked out the classroom and down the hall.

“Talking?” I laughed bitterly. “What we did was far from talking.” Keller looked confused. “We were arguing about his –” I was interrupted by Abby. She bounced up with Chance’s arm around her shoulders.

“Hola chicas! What up?” she asked happily. I couldn’t help but be affected by her mood.

Keller, either oblivious to Abby’s mood, or used to it, said sullenly, “Jasmine and Shane have detention.” Abby’s mood plummeted.

“I wanted you to come over to my house and spend the night with Aradia, Kelsey, Keller, and me, but now you have a detention.”

“Sorry, Abs, it was all –” Abby interrupted me again. Apparently, today is “Interrupt Jasmine Day,” I thought with a smirk, but I really didn’t mind.

“Wait! Keller, did you say that Jasmine and Shane have detention?”

“Yeah, so?” Keller replied, either indifferently or still sullen, I couldn’t tell.

“Jasmine,” Abby asked accusingly, “were you and our reclusive Shane Speights having a conversation?” She started giggling.

“No,” I tried to lie my way out. “I don’t even sit near him!”

Keller jumped in at that point. “Liar! You sit right next to him!”

“Thanks, Kel,” I remark drily. Chance, who was silent until now, cut in.

“I bet you anything that Shane was hitting Jas up!”

I snorted with laughter. “You wish!!”

“I wish what?” Zac asked, Aradia beside him. I waved to Aradia, she just smiled.

Chance, with a smirk, joked, “You wish that you were as cool as Jasmine!”

Zac chuckled. “Ha, it’s not hard to act like her, dude! Watch this!!” He hurried out in front of us, and turned to face us, stopping us in our tracks. He started blabbering in a high-pitched voice, “Omigod! I was like…..and then, he was like…and then I was like UGH!” He twirled his invisible long hair, flipped it over his shoulder, and walked off like a wanna-be model. When he turned the corner, we all started laughing ‘til our sides hurt.

I was still gasping when I said, “I am so not like that….am I?” Keller and Abby, still laughing, shook their heads in unison.

Aradia was the next to speak. “I always knew he was too feminine for me!” she declared, still laughing. Zac, having walked around the school, was hiding behind us.

Still using his “Jasmine” voice, he exclaimed, “I heard that!” We all just laughed as we headed to our lockers, Zac completely satisfied with himself. Chance just said, “Dude, you can’t act worth a fuck!”
♠ ♠ ♠
like i said before, i really enjoyed writing this chapter for some reason!!1 hope you all enjoyed it!

Comments = gummy bears!!!! you know you love them :D