Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

Better accept the fact.

My name is Autumn Stiltner, unfortunately I’m in an Arranged Marriage with some guy who could have been with many people. He could even have an STD and I wouldn't know.

Damien Alexander Daughtry is by husband to be, I didn’t want this… but I have to if I want my family to have a better life. I have twelve siblings all together; six brothers and six sisters and we live in a trailer. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, how do they all fit? We basically all sleep on the floor.

My parents had made this agreement with Damien's parents when they had my youngest sibling. The deal was that if my parents’ eldest daughter were to marry their son, then my parents would get a house big enough for our family to live in. And… Of course the eldest just had to be me.

I wanted to run away when my parents first told me, but what made me rethink it all was the reason why and I then remember what it’s like living in an overcrowded trailer and I didn't want that for my siblings anymore.

I sighed lifted my duffel bag full of my belongings, Damien and his parents, Elizabeth and Stewart, were waiting for me outside in their limo. I turned to face my parents, my mom was wiping her tears as she smiled softly, I walked up to her and into her arms.

I backed away and looked at my father, his face was stone like, but a hint of sadness shined in his eyes. I said my goodbyes to my parents knowing this would be the last time I ever saw them- before walking out the door.

When we got to the Daughtry’s residence I couldn’t help but drop my jaw. Their place was huge! Mr. and Mrs. Daughtry had informed me that we’d (meaning Damien and I) have to share a room starting today and the rest of our lives.

I was surprisingly okay with that because sharing a room with just him would be paradise compared to my house; where we all would just find a blanket and went to sleep on the floor.

As soon as we got into our bedroom, I tried my hardest not to faint at the size of the room. When I first walked inside of the room I took note of the same colors it had, red and black. Not bad.

The walls of the room was a dark red color, the soft plush carpet was black- which complimented the color of the walls. I dropped my bag at the end of the bed. I’m pretty sure it was the biggest bed I’ve ever seen, possibly a king size? The covers of the bed were red, which had some sort of black design on it.

On each side of the bed were two dark mahogany night tables, which had two lamps on each side. There was a picture in the middle, probably a professional piece; on both sides of the painting were two long, yet elegant windows. They both curved at the very top, which was draped with black curtains which had a red design on it. I nodded in approval as I examined it.

Looking around the room I spotted two dark dressers which were located on the outer sides of two doors. Curiously I walked towards the two different doors in the room; they were facing the end of the bed.

Opening one of the doors, the one closest to the bed was a bathroom; sweet... we had our own bathroom! I walked over to other door, which was a double door, obviously a closet. Once I opened it, I gasped. It was a walk in closet!

This was too good to be true. Inside of the closet, I noticed one side was empty while the other was full of male clothes, obviously belonging to Damien.

I turned to look at him; I forgot he was in the room with me. He just stood there watching me with a bored expression, he opened his mouth and firmly stated; “You stay on your side of the room,” he pointed to the right side of the room, “and I’ll stay on my side.”

I raised an eyebrow at him, and sarcastically replied; “Sure thing boss!”

He narrowed eyes, before smirking; “Oh and until we’re married… you better accept the fact that I'm going to fuck around with whoever I want.”

I furrowed my eyebrows together, well that was comforting now I think I might actually be right about the STD thing. Well honestly I don't think all of the twenty-five girls that have been here know about the other twenty-four.
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So I'm writing the new chapter hopefully I'll have it up soon
Edited by She Said Poptarts