Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

That was real...?

Third Person POV

Nicholas opened his eyes slowly, sleep still swimming in them. He felt his arms around a small waist; he furrowed his eyebrows and looked down. He saw Calysta sleeping quietly snuggled in his arms.

He smiled as he remembered telling her that he loved her last night, he didn’t care if she didn’t love him back. He was just glad and slightly relieved that she now knows. He felt her move around in his arms; he loosened his grip, and saw her open her eyes- blinking away the sleepiness.

Calysta woke up in muscular arms which tightly wrapped around her, she moved around a little and the arms loosened a bit. She looked up and into Nicholas’ warm eyes. He smiled softly at her, and she realizes what had happened yesterday.

So that was real…? She thought, she remembers when she first met him. She instantly knew that he liked her. But she always felt attracted to Damien. She didn’t give Nicholas a chance, and she immediately felt bad.

Damien had all her attention, all this time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short... But I just had to tell you guys who he was. (:

Edited by She Said Poptarts

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