Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

She's back

Calysta's POV

I don't know why I was blinded
I knew he never loved me
It was stupid of me to think so
His heart was already tied
to her
I know I'm supposed to hate her
But I don't
She’s sweet
But we can't be friends
cause I have to take her
place on the throne
and he must go too

All this time, I knew that I wasted so much time trying to get Damien; but now… I don’t want him. I played with my bottom lip as I pondered this. I knew I didn’t want him anymore.

I snarled as I thought about that pathetic little human. All I want now was that pretty little throne that he and Autumn sit on. I vowed to myself, I will get it. No matter what, that throne will be mine.


Autumn's POV

I huffed as I ran through the deep dark forest, with Damien at my side. I felt my hair swishing flying behind me. Damien and I were running from Calysta. She kept saying she wasn’t going to try and tear us apart anymore.

Now she’s saying that she’s going to take us down, and put us at the very bottom. I honestly don’t know what she meant by that, when she said that I instantly thought ‘hell?’ but hey… I’m with Vampires; I guess I already live there.

I was running out of breath, I caught myself as I almost fell the second time. I glanced to my right where he was running, “Damien… I can’t go any further.”

He stopped running and reached for my arm, but that was when Calysta came up from behind us, and took a hold of my arm and said; "I've got you now."

I woke up, screaming in Damien’s arms.

“Hey, hey…” Damien soothed as soon as he jumped up from his spot on the bed, leaning over me to see my face, he brought his hand to my cheek caressing it. I swallowed hard; I was breathing heavily, my forehead caked with sweat as I was trying to catch my breath.

“It’s okay…” I nodded as I gulped; he leaned in and kissed my forehead. He continued to mumble soothing words into my ear as he lay back down.

I rolled around to snuggle into his bare chest, his cold skin piercing my hot one. I looked up at him to see him looking down at me, worry sketched on his face.

“She’s coming Damien…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Calli and I are rewriting this story and making it more detailed so go back and read the Rewritten ones