Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

Please be gentle

Autumn's POV
Since my hair wasn’t teased I was able to run a hand through my hair as I sat there on the black leather couch in the room- thinking about all the things I wouldn't get to do as a vampire.

I wouldn’t be able to go to college, and grow old with kids running around. That thought quickly passed by as another entered my mind…there was one thing that I do want to do before I become a vampire.

I knew that Damien would not argue with this one thing- I just don't know how to tell him.

Looking away from the paintings on the wall, I turned towards the door, which had been opened by Damien walking in, he did a glance around the room before his blue eyes landed on me. I smiled softly at him, he walked over and gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

Since I was sitting quietly on the couch he knew that something was obviously on my mind, "What's wrong?"

I sighed and stood up from the couch and started to pace, how do I tell him this exactly? I bit my lip and put my hands on my hips as I stopped pacing and turned to face him. I opened my mouth and told him the obvious; "I want to tell you something… I'm just not sure how to tell you."

He glanced away from me, before returning his gaze on me once again, though confusion was swimming in his blue orbs. He furrowed his eyebrows and said; “OK…”

I chuckled nervously and started pacing again, “I’m just going to say it-” Running a hand through my hair once again, I blurted; “I don't want to be a virgin when I become a vampire."

Shutting my eyes quickly I turned away before opening them once again to see his reaction only to gasp suddenly, my back colliding with the wall. Soon enough cold hard kisses were pressed against my neck. Damien’s lips worked wonders and I knew that I would always fall victim to him. He let his teeth graze several sensitive portions of my neck before he actually bit down sending shivers all through my body.

My right hand grabbed the back of his neck, as I arched my body into him. My left hand running up and down his back, nails digging deep into his skin. He let out a small noise of his own against my neck. I smiled with satisfaction and repeated the action lower on his back.

His lips drug up to my ear, and I felt him smile against me. “You’re just begging for it,” he breathed, pushing me harder against the wall. He grabbed my thighs and picked me up forcing my legs around him. I didn’t realize he moved us until my bare back met something soft. The bed.

Damien continued his work around my neck, and I continued mine around the button of his pants. My shaky hands slowly undid it, and he kicked them off to the floor. Once again that smile of satisfaction crossed me, and brought his lips back to mine.

His lips made me forget what was happening around me, and before I knew it my pants were laying in a pile alongside his. My bra soon went with it, and he made sure to focus in that area. I furrowed my brows in pleasure as he kissed my chest, a blush rising onto my cheeks as he explored more of my breasts.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispered against my skin. My skin turned an even brighter color of pink then before.

I gasped as the metal from his lip rings came into contact with my stomach. He left painfully slow kisses down to my hips. He rubbed my right hipbone while kissing my inner left thigh, I swallowed as his kisses grew hotter.

My mouth dropped open as no sound left, at the feeling of his tongue on my entrance. Soon enough the feeling of his fingers came as well. He told me it was to get me ‘ready’ for him. He crawled back up to my level, and kissed me passionately, as he positioned himself between my legs.

“Please be gentle,” I whimpered against him, he nodded softly and started to rub himself against me. He reached down and grabbed a hold of himself before he slowly eased his head in. My eyes fluttered close as we connected with each other in every way. His lips captured mine in a heated kiss, and then he thrusted breaking the barrier.

- - - - - - -
Damien's POV

She's amazing in every single way. I honestly don't know if I can change her tonight. I mean all I want to do is be with her and ravage her body. I kissed her forehead and mumbled against her skin; “How do you feel baby?”

She looked up at me and smiled; "A little sore, but other than that I feel amazing." She blushed and looked down at her hands, before saying; “It was amazing.”

I looked down at her and sent a sly smile and said, "Who said I was done with you?"

She laughed, I couldn’t help but notice as she glowed with her true smile, "Babe, you can have me all you want. After you change me cause that is our priority for the moment."

Giving her a look with my saddest face and I replied, "Fine… But after I change you I get to do whatever I want to you." I mumbled as I buried my head into her hair, breathing her in.

She giggled and moved slightly away from me, "I'm sure you'd do it anyway- no matter what I say."

I laughed lightly, "You know me oh so very well darling."
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