Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

I guess I can too.

During the weekend, I had gotten new sets of clothes for school, I mean- I didn’t go and pick them out, no. Mrs. Daughtry had just asked for my sizes in shirts, shoes and pants. And when she came back, she had loads of bags being carried by their personal assistant. They were full of my new clothes, I normally wouldn’t have accepted these, but Elizabeth seemed like the type to not take ‘no’ for an answer.

And other than getting new clothes, I was also forced to get to know my future husband, so Elizabeth had forced us to talk to one another and get to know a bit about each other…Since we were to be married.

So for the week, we were forced to stay in our room and talk. I mean, we weren’t even allowed out the room! She would bring us food and we didn’t need to leave the room to use the bathroom since we had our own in the room too.

It wasn’t very fun at first, but once we understood that if we talked then we would be able to leave the room, so we talked. And it turns out that we had a lot more in common than I thought we had.

“So... I’ve been wondering,” I casually stood up from my spot on the bed and started to roam around the room, “Why did you have about… twenty-five girlfriends?”

I stopped walking around the room and looked at Damien, watching his expression just in case he tried to lie. I raised an eyebrow as I waited for him to speak; he seemed to be thinking about his words carefully.

“I don’t know really,” He shrugged slightly, looking slightly embarrassed; “I guess I just like the feeling of knowing that all these girls care about me. I mean- well that more than 10 people cared. I like the feeling of knowing that I’m actually worth knowing.”

“Huh… Well I’ll be damned.” I really didn’t know what to say after that, I mean… he was a complete asshole towards me in the beginning and then he just opened, like a book. It was slightly easier to read him after that, and in return I opened up slightly more.

And now, Monday finally came. And it’s my first day of school…I’m slightly feeling calm about going to a new school. Damien is currently behind the wheel of his Range Rover. I didn’t really know much about vehicles, but I do know when I see a beautiful one, and boy… was his Rover gorgeous. For some reason Damien wasn’t acting like he was the last couple of days, I mean his mom made him take me

Once we left his driveway, he popped in a CD I had failed to see of what. Once the first song started playing I immediately noticed that it was The Friday Night Boy’s CD. They were my absolute favorite band. I asked innocently enough; "You like The Friday Night Boys?"

Damien rolls his head to look at me, only an arm on the steering wheel, the other hanging outside the window, he replied; "Of course, don't you?"

I look at him like he was crazy, of course I do! I chuckled lightly and said in a ‘duh’ tone; "The Friday Night Boys is my favorite band ever!"

Damien looked at me as if he was shocked, which I’m guessing he was. What type of music did he think I liked? He grinned before turning his eyes back to the road. When I seen his grin, I instantly knew that he is stopped acting different from this morning.

When we finally arrived at the school, I couldn’t help but notice that the building of my new school was pretty damn massive. It had bricks for the outer walls; the front had about five solid steps, with two platforms for the railings- which a couple of students were sitting on.

Damien had finally found a parking spot closet to the school, it almost seemed like it was waiting for him, like he owned that parking spot. I just raised my eyebrows keeping my mouth shut.

I grabbed my binder and my black clutch, I didn’t really want to bring a school backpack, so I just filled whatever I needed for classes in my binder and my pencils and personal accessories in my shiny clutch. I climbed out of the truck at the same time as Damien.

I adjusted my binder, so I was holding it in front of me, as I walked, my clutch lying on top and looked up towards the school, to notice that almost everyone who was hanging out before classes were staring at us. I felt slightly creeped out; "Uhm- Damien? Why is everyone staring?"

He shrugged as he leaned over moving his binder to his left arm and swung his right arm casually around my shoulders, he simply said; "-Because they know."

I turned my head slightly to my left and up at hisgorgeous face questioningly, I raised my eyebrows curiously; "What?"

He smiled mischievously and started to explain; "About us getting married sweetheart,” Said in a ‘duh’ tone innocently, smiling at a couple of girls who waved at him.

“My parents put our wedding announcement in the towns newspaper and plus all of them are invited. I mean we have to have a lot of people to make up for your families absence at our wedding.” He leaned closer to me to speak into my ear, “Well I mean I think every girl here is pretty much gonna hate you…Since you know- You’re getting married to the most gorgeous boy they have ever seen."

I looked at him again and seen how serious his face was, I couldn’t help but laugh in his face as I retorted; "Honestly? Then they must not have seen many guys around."

He leaned back giving me a incredulous look before saying; "You seriously just did not- Oh now you’re gonna get it." And with that he tackled me to the grass and started to tickle me, telling me to take it back. Which just made everyone stare even more, he didn’t seem to care, so… I didn’t either.

- - - - -

Unfortunately, most of all my classes were with Damien, whom surprisingly didn’t mind, which was well...surprising. I had the feeling that he didn’t really like me, and he could be the one of the biggest douche bags ever.

I had made a new friend in my first class, named Emily. She was pretty, she had shoulder length black hair that just seemed to shine, which complimented her light green eyes, and she was a few inches shorter than me with an athletic build. She too, had almost every class with me. And I was glad that she didn’t ask a question about the arranged marriage, or Damien.

I walked to my locker with Emily by my side before lunch, and as we turned the corner to where my locker was located, once I turned the corner I stopped in my tracks. Now that is not a sight I would like to see. Damien –of course had his tongue down some girls’ throat.

God, why does he have to do that to me? I honestly, don't know why I'm getting married to this jerk. I shook my head as we continued down to my locker, I almost missed him as he pulled away from her and said; “I can't do this."

He turned and saw me walking to my locker with Emily, and he jogged to catch up with us. He started walking in front of me, turning around so he was walking backwards so he can face me, “Do you mind if I hang with you at lunch today?"

I raised my eyebrows, about to ask him what about his fan club but kept my mouth shut, as I replied; "Sure, why not?" We stopped by my locker and I immediately started to open it, once it opened I threw my binder and pencil inside. I closed it turned back to Emily and Damien; I nodded and gestured for them to start walking to the cafeteria.

Damien turned to look at me and gave me a knowing look and with a devious smile he said; "You want me don't you? You want me really freaking bad, don't you?"

I gave him a look and innocently stated; "But I already have you… Don't I?"I turned and gave Emily a look which practically screamed, can you believe him? She smirked but continued walking silently.

Damien didn’t reply, he just looked away, we turned a corner which leads into the cafeteria, circular tables were scattered around the room, with dark blue plastic chairs seated around them. He waited for Emily and I to find a spot to sit. Well technically Emily was looking for a spot to sit and once she had found a place, she waved. I’m guessing she found some of her other friends.

I shrugged as I followed her to one of the tables. She sat down, and I took the seat a couple of chairs next to her, with Damien beside me.

She pointed to each girl and guy introducing who is who; "Hey guys this is Autumn. And you already know Damien.” She rolled her eyes causing me to chuckle, she turned to me and said; “Autumn this is Jeff, Harold, Miranda and Rachel."

“Hey,” I smiled at each of them, a chorus of hi’s came around.

When my eyes landed on Jeff, he leaned forward and asked; “Why are you marrying him?" He nodded towards Damien, who raised an eyebrow, obviously wanting to hear this coming up conversation.

I took a deep breath and looking at everyone at the table, I knew they were going to ask a question. I sighed and honestly replied, "Because my family needs this."

Jeff shook his head, "You deserve better than a marriage at the age of sixteen, and you could do so much better than him. “

I blushed at this, I just met this guy. I turned back to him as he continued; “I mean if you were just a normal student here every guy in this school would be all over you, but you’re not. You’re with him and everyone- for some reason, backs off the girls that he likes."

I pressed my lips together before replying; "Well I'm not married yet and since he told me a couple of days ago he could fuck around with whoever he wants- I guess I can too." Everyone around the table (besides Damien) raised their eyebrows and looked at Damien, as if asking; are you serious?

Damien finally stepped into the conversation, he stumbled over his words before he said; "Oh hell no. You’re seriously gonna do this Autumn, really?"

I arched an eyebrow looking at him before smirking mischievously; I turned t Jeff with a grin, "So Jeff…Would you like to go out sometime? Like maybe tonight?"

Jeff laughed, he looked at Damien then gave me a grin; "Hell yes!"

After that Damien snarled, stood up and walked away. I leaned forward and whispered; “Jealous much?”

I honestly don’t know why Damien would give a damn if I dated or not, I mean he did tell me that I better accept the fact that he could fuck around with whoever he wants, why can’t I? Besides, it’s not like we’re married yet.
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Edited by She Said Poptarts