Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

I'm in love with you.

Damien's POV

I can't believe she is fucking dating Jeff! He only wants her because he could tell that I’m in love with Autumn, I just didn’t realize this myself because I didn't like being committed to one person. I finally noticed I actually liked her a lot now, when she goes and asks Jeff out!

This is so fucking stupid, all because of Jeff, it’s his entire fault. Couldn’t he just leave her alone, and let me realize this myself, instead of going and saying all that shit to her. She doesn’t even know that we’re vampires and that we both had special talents.

Jeff’s special power was able to tell what other people’s emotions were, and he can also run fast. Mine was reading minds, super strength and I know when someone I love is in danger.

I know that Autumn is upset with me because she saw me making out with Beth, but I admit that I don’t made out with her because I was in denial.

Once I walked into the house my parents called me into their private study to talk, obviously. I put my bag down at the end of the stairs before making my way to their study, which was in one of the rooms that is connected to the living room.

I knocked on the door, and stepped in; “Whats up?” I wasn’t able to read their minds since they were also vampires; they knew how to block their thoughts.

“We’re moving the wedding date, its next week.” My eyes widened at this news, this was fantastic! Perfect even!

My mother also told me to let Autumn know about the date moving up, and explain to her about our secret when she got home from school. I knew that she wouldn’t believe me at first, so I decided to show her my fangs and my abilities.

I really hoped she wouldn’t be scared off. I honestly… would be crushed.

- - - - - - -

Autumn's POV

I was hanging out with Jeff after school and all I could think about was Damien. And I honestly didn’t know why. Maybe it’s because I started to like him, even though he could be a total jackass. I looked at Jeff as he drove me home, I don’t think I’m able to go on a date with him tonight. I was sure that all I would think about is Damien.

When we were parked outside of the house, I turned to him biting my lip, I nervously said; “I think we should call this date thing off. Or… before anything happens between us.”

Jeff nodded slightly upset, she didn’t know yet about their abilities or them being vampires, but he already knew how she was feeling. At least she was being honest.

I looked at him feeling slightly guilty about the whole thing, “I’m sorry Jeff. I just feel like I’m using you… I do like you. I mean you’re a good friend. And that’s all we can be.”

I big him goodbye and walked into the house, up the stairs and into our room. I sighed and changed into more comfortable clothes, once I got out of the bathroom, Damien was sitting on the bed. I pressed my lips together, trying not to blush. Honestly there were numerous butterflies in my stomach when I look at him.

He smiled softly, before saying; “I have something to tell you.”

I nodded, now fully interested in what he has to tell me. I waited until he finally spoke, and he continued to explain that he was a vampire. It was slightly weird to know a vampire, so I didn’t say anything, and he explained more about the whole thing. I nodded and kept listening to him.

“I honestly thought that you would run away scared of me.” He chuckled nervously, as he rubbed the back of neck.

I shook my head, “I mean, it’s kind of weird to know vampires, but for some reason…I’m cool with that.”

And he went on about how Jeff was also a vampire, and that they both have special powers, which I thought, was amazing. He paused, and silence fell upon us. He opened his mouth and what came out surprised me the most.

“I'm sorry about earlier, with Beth in the hallway. I honestly didn’t know that I was in love with you, but when I you asked Jeff out,” He shook as if trying to keep his anger in, he breathed out slowly before continuing; “I freaked. I didn’t want to feel this way, but I do… I’m in love with you Autumn."

I looked away from him, as I glanced around the room, I didn’t know how I felt about him, but I did keep thinking about him. But I wasn’t sure why. "Honestly I don't know how I feel about you,” I admitted, catching his gaze.

He blew out a breath and nodded then he stood up and he said; "Well then… We need to go see Jeff."

I stood up slowly and furrowed my eyebrows at him, I asked questioningly; "Why?"

He sighed and started walking towards the door, "He can tell how you feel about me."

I made an ‘o’ with my mouth, I nodded and replied; “I- uh… kind of just broke up with him? Well.. not really. I just canceled out date, and said that I didn’t want anything to happen between us. He might hate me by now."

Damien turned back to look at me, he shook his head laughing bitterly, "Believe me, he doesn’t hate you. He’s in love with you."

♠ ♠ ♠
Edited by: She Said Poptarts
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