Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

Reading Emotions

There was silence in the Range Rover as Damien drove to Jeff’s house. When we finally did, I was so nervous that I didn’t even get a chance to see what his house looked like, just seen a dark blue door- which Damien knocked on.

I bounced on the heels of my feet as we waited for Jeff to answer the door, and soon enough we heard footsteps nearing the door, and Jeff’s face came into view. He sneered at us both bitterly; "What do you want?"

Damien cut to the chase, obviously not wanting to wait anymore. He glanced at me, reaching out to put his arm around my waist bringing me closer to his body and asked; "I want to know how she feels about me?"

Jeff looked back into his house then over our shoulders at the street; he pursed his lips as he looked down at our feet then back up to look at us. He sighed as he replied reluctantly; "Well there isn’t a chance in hell to lie to you. You’ll just end up reading my mind anyways.”

Damien rolled his eyes as he growled; “Just tell me!”

Jeff narrowed his eyes at him; “At first she wasn’t really sure about you, but soon started to fall in love with you. But she can't admit that to anyone even to herself.” He looked at me then back at Damien. I rubbed my left arm feeling slightly uncomfortable.

“She doesn't want to be in love with you though. She thinks it’s all too fast for her to be feeling like this and she doesn't trust her own emotions."

My jaw dropped as he finished reading my emotions, I didn’t even know I had all these feelings at all. But as he read them out loud I knew that they were true. I wasn’t able to ignore them anymore. I loved Damien, I honestly don't know why I do but I do.

Jeff had a sullen expression on his face as he grumbled out; “Is that all?”

Neither I nor Damien replied, since Damien turned the both of us around his arm still secured around my waist. We parted ways as he left to the get to the driver’s side of the vehicle.

As soon as Damien and I were in the car he looked at me, his eyes showing some kind of emotion as he said; "You love me.” He shook his head and looked through front window and sighed; “I can't believe that someone like you could love someone like me."

I furrowed my eyebrows together turning in my seat so I was looking directly at him. I replied; "What is that supposed to mean?"

Damien took his hands off the steering wheel and turned so his body was facing me as well as his face; he reached over to grab my hand and held it. My hands almost disappearing in his big cold rough hands, I shivered slightly from the contact, “What I mean by that is… that I don't understand how such a sweet beautiful girl like you could be in love with me."

I blinked a couple of times after those words left his mouth, I blushed licking my lips as I opened my mouth to reply in a soft voice; "There’s nothing wrong with you, I mean you have your ups and downs just like everyone else."

Damien sighed heavily his grip on my hands slightly tightening he mumbled; "See there you go again. You’re always trying to make me feel normal… like I'm not a total douche bag."

I chuckled lightly, taking my hand out of his and brought it to his face. He sighed and leaned into my warm hand. When I felt his cold hard face touched my hand I smiled gently; "But you’re not a douche bag… in my eyes you’re sweet and caring, I mean you may get a little bit angry fast sometimes but that doesn't mean you’re a bad guy."

I leaned my forehead against his as I breathed in, I looked up and met his sparkling eyes.

- - - - - -

Damien's POV

I didn’t understand…How this girl could be so nice to me after all the crap I've done to her?

I ignored her when she first came to my house instead of being welcoming, then I was a total asshole to her. I go and have sex with all these other girls and then once I think I'm falling in love with her and she when actually likes me back I go and start making out with another girl.

She gently took her hand out of mine and brought it up to my face. Her normally warm hand was hot against my cold hard face. I couldn’t help but sigh in content leaning into her hand. She smiled gently as she muttered words to me.

At that moment, I knew I haven’t felt this way about a girl in my whole life. I liked the way she looked at me, and I love the way her skin feels against mine. When she leaned over and pressed her forehead against mine, I looked into her beautiful eyes.

I needed to feel more of her. I had so much desire to kiss her. So I did. I slowly leaned a bit further and almost moaned once my lips pressed against her soft hot lips. I moved my mouth against hers gently, wanting her to respond. And when she finally did, I was in a different place. I loved the way her lips felt against mine.

Like… this was supposed to be. She sighed in content, pressing into me harder. I pulled her by her waist sliding her over in the front seat, so she was a lot closer, and where it was more comfortable. I kept a hand on her hip lightly caressing her, as my other went to cup her smooth face.

She breathed into the kiss, and that’s when I took the chance to slide my tongue into her mouth. She gasped lightly, grabbing the back of my head to bring me closer. We kissed in the perfect rhythm- full of passion. She pulled back, gasping for air. I breathed out, licking over my lips. I leaned back in to peck her swollen lips a couple of times.

“We should go back…” I said heavily, kissing her forehead pulling away from her. I looked at her, and seen her softly nod her head. “My parents are probably waiting for us.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Edited by: She Said Poptarts
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