Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

Not an ordinary vampire.

A couple of days passed after the little event between Damien and me outside of Jeff’s house, and we’ve become more comfortable with each other, and had gotten closer. Everyone at school is seriously bewildered by us… I mean Damien was a huge total player before I came into the picture.

Now when girls came to him flirting, batting their eyelashes, running their fingers up and down his chest, he would just look at them, push them away and say; “I’m not interested.” And then he would walk away.

I was still friends with Emily, Miranda, and Rachel though when I tried to talk to them, I couldn’t. It was hard to sometimes considering Damien had managed to find one of my ticklish spots, my earlobe. He would come up behind me and nibble lightly on it, causing me to giggle uncontrollably. I was sure that he knew it was a ticklish spot, which is why he always did it.

I giggled as I tried to move away from him, but he had his hands on my hips holding me in place. “Damien! Stop that.”

He chuckled deeply moving away from my earlobe, moving his hands from my hips to circle his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his chest. He nuzzled his chin to my neck, breathing in my scent. Emily laughed shaking her head, mumbling something about stupid love birds.

Damien moved away from my neck and looked away, almost as if he was hearing something, he leaned down and whispered in my ear; "I'm sorry love, I've got to go now. I’ll be back to pick you up later. I love you."

I whispered an ‘I love you’ back at him as he leaned and kissed my cheek, nodding at the Emily and them before leaving. I knew he had to leave because of something that had to do with vampire stuff. And the upcoming of something that was important that Damien couldn’t even tell me about it.

I watched as he made it to the front entrance turning to me, sending a smile with a wave. I smiled happily turning back to Emily, Miranda and Rachel; who all had knowing smiles on their pretty faces. Rachel opened her mouth to speak; "I can't believe it Autumn, I think he's really in love with you."

She looked at Emily and Miranda who grinned at her then looked at me to give me a nod in agreement. I blushed and replied; "I think so too.”

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Damien's POV

I couldn’t believe that I managed to keep this little secret away from Autumn, I told her almost everything, but I can’t seem to tell her about this. She will soon enough find out that I’m not just an ordinary vampire. Well... I am. I just have royalty in my blood, making me a vampire prince.

I care about her a lot… I knew that if I told her then she would have to give up her friendship she had. She had made so many so easily by herself, and I just couldn’t take it all away from her.

Once we marry, and we go on our honeymoon… I have to tell her. I have to tell her that we aren’t coming back home and continue school. We’re going to live somewhere else… somewhere that wasn’t chartered on any map. It was almost in another dimension, in a new world… a world full of vampires.

There… I soon will be king. And she will be my queen. She couldn’t be queen as a human; she’d have to be changed. I had no idea how she was going to act, or how she would take this news. She could cry, or scream in fury or simple pack up and be ready to leave. I sure do hope it’s the latter; I didn’t want her to feel heartbroken on leaving her new friends.
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Edited by: She Said Poptarts