Status: Active

She Lives in a Fairytale, too Far for us to Find

She's here to destroy

Damien's POV

I jumped into my Range Rover, and started the engine. While the vehicle rumbled underneath me, I pondered my decision… I would tell Autumn about being a Vampire Queen later tonight. I wasn’t sure how she would take the news.

Running a hand through my hair, I shifted gears and started out the drive way. I was on my way to pick up Autumn from school, and let her know that tonight we’re going out. I parked right outside the entrance, and smiled when I seen her beautiful red hair. And her scent wafting through the window, like…chocolate roses.

I breathed her in, I loved the way she smelt. When she came to the door, she flashed me a smile, her blue eyes shining bright. If I wasn’t dead, I would have felt my heart pounding against my chest. I really did love her.

“Hi!” She greeted cutely, once she closed the passengers door shut. I grinned and leaned forward, her lips meeting mine in a kiss.

“How was the rest of school?” I asked looking over at her, driving away from the school. I glanced out to the road, before looking back at her. She was giving me a look that scream; ‘are you fucking kidding me?’

I laughed deeply, quickly glancing at her; “That bad?”

She scoffed and crossed her arms, she dropped them and grinned; “It’s school, what do you think?”

I smirked and lazily draped my left arm on the steering wheel, and held out my right hand. Which she grabbed with her own warm hand, I sighed as I felt her warm hand against my cold one.

“Baby…” I started, she hummed in response, I nibbled on the inside of my cheek as I looked over at her, “I have a reservation tonight at Grand amour.”

I chuckled as I seen her mouth drop, I couldn’t help but think she was adorable as she sputtered out her words; “What- at- you mean that five-star restaurant?”

“Yes… I have something important to tell you. So.. Once we get to the house, I want you to get ready, kay?”

She mouthed an ‘oh’ as she looked at me then back at the road, she smiled; “Alright.”

It took an hour for the both of us to get dressed, and ready for dinner. My mother had grabbed her and dragged her into a different room, probably because she already picked out a dress for tonight. I shook my head at the thought of my mother.

I knocked on the door to my parents room, and called; “It’s time to go.”

I backed up and leaned against the wall casually, as I waited. And finally the door opened, and my jaw hit the floor. She looked beautiful, her hair was in soft waves. Her dressed was strapless and came short up to her knees, and flowed freely. Simple, yet amazing.

She blushed as I told her she was beautiful, and soon we were on our way to the restaurant. She kept fidgeting in her dress, and twisting and pulling her fingers. I placed my hand on top of hers, and said; “Stop it, you’re beautiful.”

She smiled sheepishly and muttered; “I’m just nervous.”

You should be. I silently replied, we were both quiet on the way. Finally we got there. And once we were seated in a quiet dark corner and ordered, I opened my mouth to start telling her. But I didn’t know how to say this- that she was to be expected to become the Vampire Queen, so… I just told her straight out.

“You’re to be Queen of the Vampires.”

I prepared myself after I blurted it out, I honestly hoped she didn’t faint. I watched silently as her eyes widened, and her mouth opening and closing- like a fish (almost). She finally breathed out, and chuckled. “Well… Since I’m in an arranged marriage to a future vampire king-who has powers. I can’t say that this is surprising.”

I was relieved, and chuckled along with her; “I’m sorry you have so much to take in.”

She shook her head and reached over closing her hand over mine across the table, “It’s fine. I love you, and I’ll stand by your side.”

I didn’t know that I could love anyone as much as I did her that night. It was good to know that I know someone loves me as she does, to take all this information in.

- - - - - -

Calysta's POV

I fumed as I walked around my master room, in my mansion. I threw a vase of dead roses across the room, not caring at the mess it made. It’ll just end up getting cleaned by our maids.

“I honestly cannot believe that Damien is marrying some pathetic human girl when he could have something so much better- me. I mean like- what the fuck? She’ll just end up dying in a view years if he doesn't turn her.” I grumbled out loud to myself, to blinded to care that Jessica was over, but I knew she was in another room.

I know and understand what my father has set me out to do so, and I must do it. I grinned evilly at the thought of our plan, I slumped down on a dark red couch on the side of the room. “I must make Damien fall in love with me, and want to marry me instead of that terrible human girl.”

“If that doesn't work…” I muttered devilishly, a smirk forming; “I’ll just make him look like a monster he really is in front of her.”

- - - - - -

Jessica's POV
I can't believe what I heard and what that bitch is planning to do to Damien and Autumn. I just have to warn Damien about this. I silently walked away from the closed door I was listening in on, once I heard Damien’s name flow through Calysta’s mouth.

I sped through the trees, all the way to Damien’s house in a quiet neighbourhood, I knocked on the door, and asked for him. Though Elizabeth (Damien’s mother) had informed me that he was out to dinner with Autumn, just the thought of that made me smile. I haven’t met Autumn, but if it made Damien this way… I knew that she was good for him.

I asked if I could stay until they came back from dinner. I talked with both Stewart and Elizabeth, asking about both Damien and Autumn, and heard nothing but good things about her. That just made me even more happy knowing that she was good for Damien. I guess he was telling her tonight about the big ’vampire queen’ thing.

An hour later of talking, we finally heard the vehicle humming outside, and then soon enough the door opened. And the first thing I saw was a flash of red. I walked into the foyer and smiled as I seen how beautiful Autumn was, and handsome Damien looked.

I was surprised that Autumn didn’t seem surprised to see me there at all, she just smiled politely and walked up the stairs, probably into their room.

I grinned at Damien, and said; “Nice catch, she beautiful and seemed really nice. You‘re parents informed me all about your relationship.” I clapped my hands lightly, he just shook his head and laughed, pulling me into a hug.

Once I pulled away from the hug, I grabbed his sleeve and dragged him to the living room, where I took a seat on the couch, he sat down on the couch opposite of me, I sighed and told him what I heard Calysta was planning to do. He ran a hand through his hair, and growled lowly. I seen a flash of his fangs before it disappeared.

He gave a stern nod and thanked me, he told me to stay the night and that I should stay in the same room with Autumn. He wouldn’t be able to go to sleep tonight, knowing that someone was already planning to ruin him and Autumn’s future. He was way to worried about her and needed someone with Autumn at all times, I smiled softly at this. It was cute.

So after he dismissed me I made my way up the stairs, smelling for Autumn, since Damien never told me which room she’d be in, or is theirs. I opened the room and seen black and red. I grinned at Autumn and said; "Looks like I'm going to be staying with you tonight."

She looked confused, yet nodded. She smiled sheepishly at me and politely asked; "Are you a vampire?"

I grinned replied, “Yep,” Before plopping down on their bed, on my back. Putting my arms behind my head, hm… comfy.

She turned to hang her dress in her closet, once she walked back out she asked; "So… What do you do when you have a vampire over at your house to spend the night, when all that you are is a human."

I pondered this for a moment before I replied; "Well a human should never have a vampire over mostly- for safety reasons. But, you and I… well- we could watch some movies.” I shrugged my shoulders lightly leaning back up; “So what's your favorite movie?"

She pursed her lips in thought and giggled; "Hmm… Well I do like My Sister's Keeper, like- a lot."

I laughed and looked at her; "Really? … I like that one too!"

We walked into a different room where there were many electronics, and a big screen TV, Autumn went to get the movie in the closet, and put it in the put it on. We both got comfortable, making a mess with blankets and multiple pillows on the floor. We ended up talking about everything, laughing here and there. I asked her a couple of things about being a human, and told her how I became a vampire, and how old I was.

Its been so long since I hung out with a human, and honestly.. It was fun, she was fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
and for a limited time only
I'm letting other people introduce new characters
so they need to have a name some type of personal description and a picture
Edited by She Said Poptarts