Status: Rewritten, let me know what you think!!

A Library Romance

Chapter Eleven

*Nico's P.O.V.*

Nothing could bring down my mood after this morning. And after telling Drake and Deana all about last night and this morning, they finally believed my theory that Adlar might actually, possibly be gay. Nothing could have made me happier; it means that I’m not just imagining everything!

After school I went to work with Deana, and then after work I went home, and after work I did homework. Just when I was putting away my school books, my cell phone rang on my end table.

“Hey, Nico,” Adlar’s sweet voice says.

“Oh, hi, Adlar, I wasn’t expecting you to call so soon,” I smile, laying back on the bed and pulling out Shanna.

“Well, I was hoping you’d be able to read to me, that book is actually pretty interesting,” I can hear the blush in Adlar’s voice.

“I told you, you just need someone to read it to you.”

“Yep, you were right; again,” Adlar chuckles.

“I’m not always right,” I laugh.

“Sure you aren’t. Anyway, where were we?”

“Um, I think at chapter three.”

“Well then what are you waiting for?” Adlar laughs, urging me forward.

“All right, all right, I’m on it.”

I clear my throat and then begin to read:

The documents were ready, and the witnesses’ marks were made, so the guards could go out and prepare the carriage. Pitney indicated it was Ruark’s turn, and Shanna held her breath, for she had forgotten to ask whether he could sign his name. Her concern was wasted. His hand was quick and sure. Then the minister held the quill for the bride. Shanna put her name to the record first and then on a multitude of statements for the shire, county, and the crown. Then came a copy of the vows such as were stated. As she set the quill to the parchment, her eye caught a phrase, ‘That for thy husband, thou shalt love, honor, and obey.’ Hushing her screaming conscience, Shanna put her name to the document, and, as she swept the quill in a final elaborate scroll, a bolt of lightning turned the inside of the church a ghostly white.


Adlar and I talked/read for three hours before my mom came in and told me to shut up and go to bed.

I loved the feeling I got when I talked to Adlar. Somehow I just felt better about myself, and it felt good to know that I was making Adlar happy and that I was the one he wanted to come to.


The morning after isn’t the same though. I wake up and immediately feel sad. I barely feel like getting dressed; and I love getting dressed. When I finally do find the energy to flip through my wardrobe, the only outfit I can manage to put together is a pair of spot-bleached jeans that people say make my ass look good although I never believe them, my dirty black converse, and a grey long sleeve v-neck. This is horrible!

Although I thought I’d gotten a good night’s sleep last night it doesn’t feel or look like it now. I decide to gel my hair back a bit today but just groan anyway when my hair doesn’t do what I want it to do. Pieces keep flying up here and there.

My feet thud heavily on the stairs as I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast. My cup of coffee is twice as big as it usually is and I skip my bagel. I barely pay any attention on my drive to school, Carina had to yell at me a couple times and when we got to school she slammed her door and ran in to the school, hugging her friends dramatically as soon as she saw them.

Before I join Drake and Deana on the stairs I head to the cafeteria and buy the biggest bar of milk chocolate they have. Deana notices my mood as soon as I sit between her and Drake. She also notices the chocolate.

“What’s wrong?” she sighs.

“I fucking love him,” I say, rubbing the balls of my palms in to my eyes.

“I thought you already knew that,” Drake says, confused.

“No, I loved Adlar like you love a celebrity. I never really actually knew that sexy piece of man meat. Now that I do I really actually love him; as in I’d-do-anything-for-him-love. When I go to sleep I think about him; when I wake up I think about him; all day long I think about him!”

“I think you should tell him,” Deana says, patting me on the back.

“No!” Drake and I yell simultaneously.

“Why the hell not?! This better not be about ‘guy time’ again,” Deana pouts.

“You don’t just spring that kind of thing on a dude,” Drake says with eyes open wide, shaking his head.

“I’d scare the shit out of him. Especially if he’s not actually gay. No one knows for sure or not if he’s gay or straight, he’s never had a relationship with anybody before. And if I can’t figure out if he’s gay or not, then maybe he doesn’t know it yet. I can’t do that to him, I’d scare him so bad that he might never want to talk to me again,” I say sadly.


That night, working with Adlar, we could both tell that there was a little tension. I think something was bothering him too because he didn’t joke around as much as he normally would. It was a little strange. It seemed as if we’d gone back to acting how we had when he first started working here; nervous and unsure of what to do or say around the other.