Status: Rewritten, let me know what you think!!

A Library Romance

Chapter Seventeen

I can’t believe I’d been so nervous to see Nico earlier. I’d fussed so much over how I looked, way more than I ever have in my life before. But as soon as I was with him, all my worries went out the window. He’s just so cool that I can’t help but be myself around him. He showed me the ropes of the book store. He must have been going there for a long time because he knows that place like the back of his hand; he’s practically the owner.

Of course my high mood is immediately crushed as I walk in to the dining room. I think dinner time is my least favourite time of the day; for obvious reasons. The room goes totally silent as I stroll in. I try my best to ignore the awkward silence as I take my seat next to Edwyn. There are few more moments of quiet, the only thing heard is the sound of silver cutlery against china plates.

Father clears his throat and then announces rather gruffly, “So nice of you to join us, Adlar.”

“No problem,” I answer back, making a show of chewing my food roughly.

“What’s it like working with peasants?” Caden scoffs as Father gives him an approving smirk.

“What's it liking fucking one?” I smirk and Jenna gasps, "Nico is no more a peasant than Jenna is, dear brother."

“I’m amazed that store is still in business. It’ll only be a matter of time before it closes,” Father says gruffly, not even pretending to care.

“Nico has big plans for that place when Bill finally retires. I respect him more than I respect any of you people.” I defend him, getting up and leaving the table.

I don’t understand how they can be so selfish and inconsiderate.


Friday I worked with both Nico and Deana. Those two together were so much fun. One minute they can be singing some strange song at the top of their lungs, and the next be bickering back and forth as if they’d been married for fifty years. Deana definitely brings out a side of Nico I like. I hope I get the chance to see that side of him more often. I also hope I could be the one to bring that out of him.


Today is now Saturday. I’m nervous because it’s the first time I’ll be alone with Nico. I just hope I don’t do anything embarrassing. When I get to the bookstore, Nico is already there. He’s curled up on the chair, reading a book; again.

“Boo!” I yell loudly.

Nico jumps out of his seat, a little squeak escaping his plump lips. I smirk smugly, knowing that I made him jump.

“Fuck, Adlar,” he breathes deeply.

“Geez, you really get in to those things,” I laugh.

“Yes. It’s a great book.”

“Nothing’s that interesting unless there’s sex involved.”

“There’s no sex, but there is rape.”

“Not really my fancy,” I shrug.

“Oh good, now I know that my innocence will remain intact.”

“What innocence?” I scoff, then think that it might be a little insulting.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Seriously, Nico? You don’t think everyone knows about that month-long fling you had with Ryan Warner?”

“Are you fucking serious?! Everyone knows?!” he freaks, hiding his face.

“What really happened anyway? All I know is that Ryan was going all over the place, telling people that you made him fall in love with him, ‘made love’ to him, and then left.”

“I did no such fucking thing!” he says, the anger becoming visible on his face, “We both knew it was a fling, he told me he felt nothing for me, and I felt the same way. My mom always taught me to be a respectable dude, and the ‘fuck and dump’ isn’t really my thing.”

“Well that’s good to know,” I wink, and then leave to sort books.

I’m amazed with myself that I even had the balls to say that. I wonder if he’s figured out I’m gay yet. Part of me is scared of what would happen if he did figure it out, but a huge part of me just wants it to be out in the open, and for him to know so that I can kiss him all I want.

After a couple hours of sorting books, I hear the door chime open, Nico’s voice talking to someone, and then the sound of a dog barking. I might as well see what’s up. When I get to the front of the store I see Nico lying on the ground with a great big bloodhound on top of him, licking his face. Nico pushes the dog off him, and I help him get to his feet.

Papi, questo è Adlar,” he introduces, “Adlar, this is my dad.”

Piacere di conoscerti,” Nico’s dad says and shakes my hand.

“What’d he say?” I ask quietly.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Nico translates.

“Oh, nice to meet you too,” I say quickly and politely.

Nico’s dad continues to talk completely in Italian. I’m guessing he doesn’t speak English. I already like him more than my dad, though.

Mamma sta facendo tacos stasera. Lei farà troppo. Vuoi unirti a noi Adlar?

“He says that mom’s making tacos tonight, and that she’ll most likely make too much. He was wondering if you’d like to join us,” Nico says, my heart skipping a beat.

“Oh, ya sure, um, si, grazie,” I nod in thanks, hoping that was the right word.

“Okay, ti vedrò due stasera,” Nico’s dad smiles, and hugs him, “Ti amo.”

Ti amo, papi.”

“Your dad’s nice, you look a hell of a lot like him,” I say, petting Rosco, “What’s ti amo mean?”

“I love you,” he says.

“My parents don’t say that to me,” I say quietly, wondering why my parents and Nico’s parents are so different.

“Why not?”

“I don’t know, they’ve just never said it. We don’t hug either.”

“I think everybody needs hugs.”

“I don’t actually know if I’ve ever gotten a hug,” I muse, my eyebrows scrunching together in thought.

“Want one?” Nico asks cautiously.

I look up at Nico quickly. My heart begins beating rapidly and erratically. I think for a second. Do I really want Nico to hug me? Yes. Do I think I might melt in to his arms if he does? Double yes. Finally I nod. Nico opens his arms, waiting for me to come to him. I slowly make my over, feeling immensely awkward all of a sudden.

“I won’t bite,” he giggles.

I wish. Finally I stop in front of Nico. He puts his arms around my shoulders, pulling me a little closer. I put my arms around his waist. He pulls me in a little tighter. The hug seems like it’s supposed to be brotherly, but to me, it feels far from it. Although I guess I wouldn’t know what it felt like to a brotherly hug.

After a few seconds, I can’t help myself. I tighten my arms around him and bask in the glow of my first real hug. Nico feels so hard and strong, and yet soft and warm. I never want to stop hugging Nico. It’s the greatest feeling I’ve ever known so far in my life. I never really thought about the scent of vanilla until now, either.