‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"Home made, slip and slide?"

It was immature of me to have sped off like that but I wasn't willing to forgive them just yet for the pain they put me through. I fought back the tears that fought to come out and glared at the road. What kind of parents could do that to the one they once called "son"?

"You okay?" Bailey's dad, Damien, asked once I walked through the door. I took in a deep breath and slightly nodded.

"I just hate my dad sometimes." I frowned. "Life isn't fair."

"You know who your dad is?" Damien questioned, his brows furrowing.

"Well he's not blood, but he was my father." I explained and he made a big 'O' with his mouth.

"Sometimes things aren't easy to accept." He informed with a weak smile, he reminded me of a father-figure at this I respected him.

"I have some homework to do." I sighed while holding my backpack.

"Of course." He nodded allowing me to slip in my room, and although it was a lie. I just wanted to rest and be alone. I collapsed on my bed and rubbed my hands under the pillows, something I did for comfort. Suddenly my hand hit the letters causing me to freeze, I slowly pulled them out and took in a deep breath, opening the one that was previously opened.

"Dear Lovely Family, I hope my judgments aren't wrong and that you'll take care of my son. Sadly his father is abusive, and if he finds us both well I cant risk it so I ask that you take my son into your loving family. His name is Laramor, but feel free to name him something else for I didn't choose his name. If it was my choice, his name would have been Lucas. Please be patient with him and give him the love, I nor his father could give him. Thank you very much... I've left a note for him when he gets old enough, you may proof read it and see if you'd like to give it to him or not... I only ask that you please let him know if you do tell him you're not his biological parents that his mother loved him so very much..."

I took it all in, the letter basically said my dad's a crazy bastard and she was running away with me but couldn't risk us both getting caught because it would be disastrous. My breathing ceased for a moment, then slowly came back.

"She's dead?" I whispered, I had this weird vibe that she wasn't going to be alive that he found her. I sighed and folded the paper back up, then grabbed the other one with hesitations. No wonder my "parents" didn't want to read it.

Dear Laramor,

I'm not sure if they've changed your name or anything, but Laramor is the name your sick father has given you. I want you to please know that I love you very much and I'm fairly sure that you're probably eighteen or very close to that age. I know what I have done, abandoning you and such probably has made you hate me. But; please understand, I did this for the both of us. I would like to ask that you stay the hell away from the Demoncre family, they're bad news. My mom married into them and ever since then, my life has changed for the worst. So please... Your father's name is Skyler, a sick twisted man he was. Laramor is the name he named you and I know it was for bad use, seeing as his nickname was Nikon. I despise the name Laramor, it sounds evil and hopefully the lovely family I left you with named you something better suited, maybe Lucas hopefully...

I love you with all my heart, I wish I could raise you. You're MY baby boy and it sucks that your father has driven to this, it sucks that I can't raise you and see you grow into a fine man. To meet whichever lucky girl has won your heart, and I love you so much. Life without you isn't life for me, and chances are you wont ever see me again. I will never give away where I left you, even if they torture me... If you must find my sister her name is-"

Just then the door opened and Bailey stood there.

"Guess what!" He squealed while doing an impatient dance. I immediately closed the letter and shoved it under the pillow again.

"Huh?" I replied when I noticed he's wearing swim trunks. "What the hell are we doing?"

"We're going to have some fun." He chuckled and tossed me a pair. I rolled my eyes and quickly changed into them, took my shirt off, and followed down the halls. It was only till I noticed big buckets of soap and water, along with an empty hallway that I realize what he's doing.

"Home made, slip and slide?" I questioned when I noticed two blow up tubes. I turned to Bailey with a brow raised and noticed his evil smile.

"Possibility." He chuckled and grabbed one of the buckets. The hallway floor was nothing but sleek tile of some sort, and once he poured the first bucket it was on. I grabbed another one and poured it on him, then he grabbed the tubes and slid all the way down the hall. I grabbed another tube and jumped on, following suit.

"Stairs!" We both yelled in unison, we didn't think of these not stopping and we flew down the stairs. I landed on him and we both laid there laughing till we heard a female scream at the top of her lungs.

"Ugh." Bailey groaned as he stood up, we limped back up the stairs and did our best not to slip when we seen a female standing there with long black hair. Her eyes narrowed.

"What the hell?" She snapped, a hand on her hip.

"Huh?" Bailey dumbly replied.

"Outside of MY room?" She hissed and Bailey shrugged.

"You're staying here free of charge, get the fuck over it." Bailey spat and carried his tube down the hall.

"We know why I'm here." She frowned and stared at the floor.

"So then you shouldn't be nagging at me." He hissed, but I had no idea who this attractive girl is standing there with a fierce look on her face.

"Who is this?" I calmly ask, taking the moment to check her out.

"This is my..fiancee.." Bailey groaned, he took in a deep breath and exhaled.

"Whoa." I laughed but quickly shut up when he glared.

"Look you're getting one too, you'll see." Bailey warned with an evil laugh.

"If she's half as hot as this one, I wont complain." I chuckled.

"I'm not a dog or something, treat me with more respect!" She demanded but Bailey turned around while pointing his finger in her face.

"Sit down." he demanded and she sat. "Apologize."

"I'm sorry." She immediately did as said.

"Now you will give me rough passionate sex after you clean this mess up!" Bailey growled and she nodded then quickly grabbed some towels. Bailey froze and slowly turned to me.

"Bailey..." I whispered, my eyes staring at him without emotion.

"Hey." He coughed then continued his way, I followed with narrowed eyes.

"How did you do that?" I questioned.

"Not sure." He shrugged with a straight expression.

"How are you not sure?" I insisted.

"Look, I don't know. She's my fiancee, she has to listen." Bailey furiously nodded while crossing his arms over his chest.

"She obeyed too quickly after you said it, there wasn't any hesitation." I examined with furrowed brows.

"What does it matter?" He quickly snapped.

"Because I...nothing. It was just cool." I shrugged then looked away.

"Cool?" He repeated, suspicion written all over his tone.

"Yeah." I agreed then yawned. "See you in the morning?"

"Of course." He turned on his heel and neither of us said a thing, I some how made it back to my room. My memory didn't fail me, how I was good at mazes and puzzles was beyond me, but luckily I am or else I'd get lost too easily.
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hahahahahaha ^_^ Someone asked how long it took me to plot this story out, like it must've taken awhile for me to think of putting her son in the Demoncre mansion and how to do it...actually surprisingly I just type and the story basically writes itself with the way my imagination roles..that's why I get dead moments hahahaha because my mind's on "lazy mode" hahaha :] thank you for commenting sooo freakin much. <3