‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"Are you scared? Well I am"

I hated that I actually left, but I was glad all the same. I didn't want to live with them, but at the same time I did. Why? I'm not sure, it's like I'm missing something back there. I held on the strap of my duffel bag and glanced over my shoulder.

"What am I missing?" I whispered as I stared at the mansion, it was so huge yet I felt something so small in there that I need to find. I took in a deep breath and hesitantly turned back around and headed for the gates.


"You've come back?" She stood there, leaning against the door frame with her arms folded across her chest. I smiled at her beautiful tan eyes, and that long dark hair flowing over her arms.

"Yeah, I want to figure this out...together." I assured and dropped my bags on the floor, then pulled her in my arms.

"You're not afraid I'll try to kill you?" She asked as I pulled her roughly against my body. I simply shook my head side to side while taking in a deep breath.

"I don't care anymore, I'm...lost." I whispered and pulled her up off her feet. After I sat her back down on her feet she led me inside the house and to the guest room, where I set my stuff up. I took in a deep breath and turned to her. "Are you going to kill me?"

"You ask now that you're in my lair?" She laughed.

"Possibility." I winked and took a seat.

"No, I don't think I will kill you...yet. I'm not sure what to do, but I feel something different with you than the rest of the Demoncre's." She explained with a weak smile.

"Tabanca, what's your last name?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't remember anymore, but in school it's James." She weakly smiled and looked out the window.

"Tabanca James?" I mused and she nodded. "Not bad."

"Are you scared?" She abruptly became serious.

"Not really." I shrugged. "I'm kind of used to surprises jumping at me."

"Well I am." She admitted before looking away.

"Why?" I retorted, my brows furrowed.

"Forget I said anything." She demanded and stormed out of the room. I got up and quickly followed, then pulled her wrist so she had to turn to me.

"Please?" I asked, staring from her left to right eye.

"I've been alone for so long, I've toyed with men's hearts for money and anything I needed. I've never felt this way towards anyone, and I don't understand it. I don't talk about my feelings, and I sure as hell don't do this." She elaborated and gestured to my hand that's now in hers.

"There's a first for everything." I chuckled, which caused her to jerk away.

"Get out." She demanded.

"No." I flatly replied.

"Now." She insisted.

"Fine!" I screamed and grabbed my stuff. I didn't grab it all just my back pack and a change of clothes for tomorrow then left.
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Hahaha damn. XD