‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

Back to the Demoncre mansion...with Maxine.

I stared at his arm and shoved him away.

"I don't think you understand, my sister is in need." I spat and started for the door.

"You'll regret leaving, you'll want to find me, and till then everyone you love will be hurt because of this decision. Mark my words." He cursed. I turned around to face him but he was gone.


Sirens, lights, and nothing but the crying of Maxine was heard as I ran down her street.

"Max!" I screamed and jumped over their tape. I wrapped her in my arms and glanced at the house, blood every where. I winced and looked away.

"I don't understand, Luke." She cried in my chest, I shook my head and rocked her back n forth.

"You're coming with me, okay?" I cooed and she nodded. Where could I take her? I grabbed my phone and dialed Bailey's number.

"What up?" He answered.

"Dude, shit happened at my old house. I think my old parents are...gone. I know I said I wasn't going to return but could you talk to your dad?" I put my pride aside and thought of only Maxine as I asked the Demoncre's for help.

"David foreseen this, he says just come over and there should be a black car at the end of the street." Bailey whispered, causing me to growl. David seen this and did nothing to prevent it?!

"What's going on?" Maxine asked as I looked around, sure enough a black car with dark tinted windows was sitting there the whole time. I narrowed my eyes and walked Maxine past the cops.

"Hey you have to stay for questioning." A random fat cop called.

"I already put in my statement." She replied.

"I don't give a damn." That cop snapped again.

"Fuck off pig, her parents just had a tragedy so why don't you go back to work and do everything you can to figure out what the fuck happened or drop dead!" I yelled, my eyes burning.

"Don't tell him that!" She cried out. I shrugged it off and took her to the car, keeping her behind me as I knocked on the window. The lights flashed and we got inside...


The mansion, how I hated this mansion. We pulled up and parked outside. Never once did we see the driver and nor did I care to. I opened the door and helped Maxine out.

"I have a room prepared for her." David greeted us at the door, a maid appeared with a weak smile.

"Follow me." She smiled, her hair blonde and black streaked.

"Kailen, don't associate." David threatened the young maid. I furrowed my brows and held onto Maxine's hand tightly before slowly releasing. Once they were gone I glared at David and shoved him.

"What the hell you ass fuck! You seen it but you couldn't tell me?!" I screamed and shoved him again, this time he caught my hand and twisted me into submission.

"You need to be controlled. Your powers are far too great, and now that you're here you need to get the help you need." He justified then released me.

"They were my family." I paused with saddened eyes, visions of the house being all bloody filled my mind. I winced and looked away before returning my attention to David. "I should have you all kill yourselves."

"You're not that strong, yet." Jack appeared with a death glare.

"When I am." I threatened.

"Then we will dispose of Maxine, David will foresee your plots before they happened and once he does, she's dead." Jack threatened causing me to pause.

"Maxine hasn't done anything." I choked out.

"You don't understand, we're going to use her to make sure you behave." Jack explained with a roll of his eyes.

"That's fucked up, grandfather!" Bailey came in the room, his brows furrowed.

"Stay out of this one, or I'll tell him what you did to that girl, Kristen." Jack chuckled.

"I didn't do anything." Bailey corrected.

"Kristen?" I whispered and shifted my attention to Bailey.

"I didn't do anything!" Bailey repeated.

"Then why is she in our recovery room?" Jack's look was all menacing.

"Kristen's here?" I breathed out.

"I didn't do anything!" Bailey continued to scream and shook his head violently.

"Enough, Jack." David demanded while going over to Bailey and pulled him out of the room.

"Just go to the room Maxine's in and stay there, we'll have further instructions." Jack hissed with a roll of his eyes at David. I stared at Bailey for another moment then hopped up the stairs to find that Kailen nurse who is going to take me to Maxine's room.
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I couldn't find an appropriate quote for the title of this chapter lol