‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"She's in the vehicle outside"

We stood around with serious expressions on our faces, our 'father' Skyler looked at Xavier to me with a smile on his face.

"I have my sons." He grinned, which caused Xavier to smile.

"Sons?" Xavier repeated.

"Yes, my life is complete now." Our father nodded while standing up. "Now lets go home, boys."

"No." I spat causing Xavier to snap his head in my direction.

"You wont ruin this for me." He growled.

"I'm not going to be apart of any sick twisted family of yours, I want Max." I demanded causing our father to laugh.

"Quiet frankly; I don't give a damn what you want." Our father chuckled and Xavier joined.

"Where is she?" I hissed.

"Doesn't matter." Xavier retorted with a grin.

"Skyler." I turned my attention to our father.

"Don't call me by that name." He snarled.

"Tell him to give her back." I demanded with a straight expression.

"Father, he's so ungrateful to you. Why do you care so much about him? Why can't we just dispose of him?!" Xavier whined, and turned to me with a glare. I balled my fist and slammed it in Xavier's jaw causing him to fall back. After regaining his composure he got back to his feet and shoved me back to the wall.

"Quit it!" Tabanca screamed while rushing in the room, fully dressed now.

"Stay out of it." Our father snapped at her then turned his attention to Xavier and I. Xavier held me down and pulled his fist back, punching me in the lip causing my teeth to break the skin and blood to come out. I shoved him back from his shoulders and hit him harshly in the side where his kidney is.

"Give her back!" I screamed and punched him right between the ribs causing him to lose his breath. That's when our father intervened and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me off Xavier.

"You've proved your point." He chuckled and looked at Xavier.

"She's in the vehicle outside." Xavier gave in and looked away with a glare. I turned around and ran out to the black van, I opened the door with a smile but found it empty. I furrowed my brows and turned to have a bat come in contact with my head...then blackness.
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Oh snap!!! LOL sorry for such a short chapter...><