‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"You have the gift."

I didn't understand what just happened, I opened my eyes and the pain that flew through me was horrible. I squinted to see around the room and seen a complete stranger nervously sitting across from me.

"Who are you?" I growled and sat up.

"Henry." He stammered, his eyes wincing.

"What are you doing here?" I continued my questions when my father came in the room, dressed in all black.

"Do it, Henry." My father demanded and right when he said that, the strange man took out a gun and shot me right in the side. I jerked back and closed my eyes tightly. The pain was indescribable.

"Ow!" I howled with pain, my eyes feeling hot.

"Force the bullet out, damn it!" My father screamed at me, he hovered over me and shook me violently.

"No!" I yelled back when the pain was too much to deal with and some how I made the bullet come out of me. My father grinned with excitement and nodded, then turned to the guy and made him shoot himself.

"You have the gift." My father gloated as people came in and disposed of the body.

"Gift?" I gasped out, my wound healing perfectly.

"Yes. Only I possessed this gift in the family, and I'm glad it was passed down to you." That evil grin never leaving his face as he walked towards the door. "Now get some rest."

"But father." I called, he just ignored me and left. I laid there with confusion, my body ached and head hurt. I was so angry because of what he did to me earlier, what they done to me that I wanted to hurt someone.

"Lucas?" I turned to see Tabanca and frowned.

"Leave." I demanded but she shook her head.

"I'm not leaving." She sighed and sat at the end of the bed, her eyes resting to the blood that's on the white sheets.

"I don't know what you're hoping to accomplish, Tabanca." I frowned and shifted my attention away from hers.

"Now you're even starting to talk like them." She gasped then put her hand on mine. "I want you to look at me, tell me this is what you really want."

"I can't." I sighed, my eyes shifting to hers for a split second before looking away.

"Then lets leave together." She suggested.

"I can't." I repeated.

"What do you mean?" She growled.

"They'll kill Maxine." I sighed.

"No, they promised that if you left to find her, not leaving in general." She explained but I still shook my head.

"I don't want to risk it." I slowly got off the hospital bed and held my now sore side.

"Please Lucas!" She screamed, anger boiling through her blood.

"No damn it!" I screamed back when the door busted open.

"One more from you Tabanca and you're out of here." My father hissed.

"I'm gone." She spat and stomped past him. A grin was on my father's face as he turned his attention to me.

"I'm proud of you, and figured you deserved this." He chuckled and turned to the side so another man can enter.

"Good evening, my name is Mathias." He introduced himself and shook my hand.

"Lucas." I greeted then shook my head. "Meant Laramor."

"Ah-tah boy." My dad nodded then turned his attention to Mathias. "Mathias is the leader of his clan, they're much like our family. His daughter is turning eighteen really soon and he wants to make peace with our family, in return you can have his daughter."

"What?" I choked out as I sat back down.

"Her name is Monique." Mathias explained as if her name changed everything.

"I'm not sure." I furrowed my brows, causing Mathias to narrow his eyes.

"Is my daughter not good enough for you?" He growled.

"Please forgive my son, he's not used to how things go around here." My father apologized on my behalf then sent me a glare. "He just turned eighteen, he's a bit rebellious, he's confused by everything. See his bitch of a mother hid him away from me and we just got reunited."

"Ah. Must be hard for him." Mathias agreed as they walked down the hall, out of hearing range. I furrowed my brows and narrowed my eyes, I want to meet my mother. I want to see how bad of a mom she was, I want to know her side of the story and most of all, I want to see exactly how much we're alike.
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