‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"More cousins?!"

All they wanted to do was find attractive chicks to take advantage of, but I was better than that.

"C'mon Lucas." Nathan groaned as I stood leaning against the frame of Spencers.

"I don't want to man, you guys enjoy yourselves alright? All we've ever been is near each other, lets split and do our own thing, yeah?" I proposed and they all thought about it and shrugged. So each of us went our own ways. Of course Lenard went to Victoria's secret, he has a weird fetish with those girls. Xavier hovered around Hollister with a goofy grin, and Nathan stuck to Spencer's. I on the other hand went to Build-a-bear and stared at the little kids with envy.

"Luke?" I turned to see Bailey.

"Bailes?" I gulped, glancing past him to see who was all with him. Surprisingly it was just Bailey.

"Kristin is over there, her parents let her out today." Bailey nodded his head in Kristin's direction, she probably knew that I knew she wasn't supposed to be out.

"Ah, she looks good." I smiled then turned my attention back to Bailey.

"I've been worried about you, Luke. I looked around for what felt like forever." Bailey sighed, he glanced around to see who else was here but didn't see anyone.

"I'm doing good, life has been not bad for me, I'm going to be attending school again... I assure you on that one." I chuckled causing Bailey to frown.

"You've adapted to the proper speech, you're with your father huh?" He growled, his eyes narrowing.

"It doesn't matter, no one is getting hurt." I smiled.

"Yes they are, people are dying lately. Is that because of you?" Bailey snarled, when my brother's appeared.

"Who is this?" Nathan spat, pushing me slightly back. Xavier stood there with Lenard at his side.

"Guys' this is our cousin." I answered. "Bailey, my brothers."

"Brothers?" Bailey's voice was filled with disbelief and anger.

"Bailey, what's going on?" I turned to see that Stephen guy, he stood next to Bailey and stared at me with anger. "You!"

"Stephen, no." Bailey ordered then turned to me and glared. "You've betrayed our family."

"I betrayed our family, look who you're with!" I screamed and glared at Stephen.

"This is our cousin." Bailey explained, causing Stephen to chuckle.

"What?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

"Yes, you heard right. I was forbidden to say anything to you or your sister." Stephen mused then pulled out his cell phone. "Speaking of which. Hey babe, we're by the food court."

"I thought you were dying in the hospital by now?" I chuckled.

"Don't flatter yourself." Stephen glared. "You had nothing to do with what happened."

"Of course I didn't." I hissed.

"What's going on?" A guy that resembled us appeared, he stood next to Bailey and Stephen.

"Another cousin?" I mumbled with annoyance.

"Sadly." Bailey sighed, we still have something in common.

"The name's Denis." The newest cousin greeted.

"Blah." I retorted causing my brother's to laugh.

"And I'm Andrew." Yet another fucking one appeared, I rolled my eyes and looked over my shoulder, when a flash of blond hair flew by.

"Stephen, why didn't you-" Maxine quit in mid speech and stared at me. Tears filled her eyes as we both simply stared. Xavier rolled his eyes and looked away. "Lucas."

"It's Laramor." I harshly corrected then glared at Stephen and Bailey. "Seems like the whole gang is here, huh? Well it's only fair."

"What's only fair?" Bailey questioned.

"Kristin, what the fuck are you doing out?" I spat while turning and glared at her, she walked over with a sigh.

"Don't talk to her that way." Bailey snapped.

"I can talk to her however I want." I chuckled and wrapped an arm around Kristin.

"Quit it, Lucas." Kristin quietly mumbled.

"Excuse you?" Nathan spat, she shifted her attention to him and sighed.

"Bailey, I didn't explain to you that-" she started but Nathan cut her off by pulling her to him.

"And now isn't the time to explain, except Kristin is mine." Nathan harshly laughed, my brothers backed me up and that made me feel even more special. But oddly my attention wouldn't pull away from Maxine, she was with Stephen again!

"I'll never know what goes on in your mind, Max. You had the chance to run from this family, yet you decide to return to it." I gulped, she really was my weakness. "How long did you know he was my cousin?"

"I didn't know." She answered.

"Until she came back from a mysterious journey with you, one she refuses to tell anyone about." Stephen angrily filled in, staring at her.

"She was with me, and I got her away from danger. But apparently you don't care what happens to her, Stephen." I sneered with a disgusted look on my face.

"Oh shut up, Lucas." Maxine spat, her eyes glaring into mine. "You know I could never love you, like I love him."

"Ouch." Denis laughed, bumping into Bailey for him to join. I shifted my attention from Maxine to Bailey then back to her. How could Bailey be with them right now? I looked away with furrowed brows.

"You're cold, Maxine. Our parents would be ashamed." Was the only thing I could muster, causing her to suck in her breath.

"How dare you bring them into this!" She screamed and slapped me. Nathan and Xavier stepped forward, as did Denis and Stephen. I stepped in front of Nathan and Xavier, Bailey stepped in front of Denis and Stephen.

"It's not worth it." Was all I told my brother.

"Are you sure, bro?" Lenard questioned, looking at his nails.

"Yeah, she's just a ho." I answered looking Maxine up with disgust.

"Good bye, Lucas." She choked out.

"It's not Lucas." I snapped one last time, my eyes glaring into hers.

"Good bye, Laramor." She corrected herself and stormed off. I glared at Bailey and his "brother's/cousins".

"Don't cross our paths, gentlemen. That's all I can say." I warned, slowly revealing my gun with a grin. My brother's slightly revealed theirs, then we nodded and left the mall.

"So much for getting laid." Lenard groaned as we got inside the SUV. I turned on the radio and mentally requested "The End Of The World" by Skeeter Davis, sure enough the song came on.

"Oh God." Xavier groaned from the back seat and slapped his hands to his ears. Nathan looked at me with a depressed look as I stared out the window. I could feel his gaze, it burnt. But; I ignored it, as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Guy's don't cry, pussy." Nathan scolded and socked me. I jerked up and pointed my finger in his face.

"Don't fucking touch me, don't either of you fucking touch me!" I screamed and opened the door. I slammed it and started walking fast. My hands in my pockets, tears uncontrollably falling down my cheeks like a baby.

They didn't bother to follow me, instead they let me go. I found myself in my old neighborhood, I walked by my old house and stood out there. My eyes staring at the house with sadness, by now it was refinished and new people lived there. I could've sworn I seen my dad drive in the driveway and get out to see my mom, Maxine sneaking in her window from being with Stephen. I took in a deep breath and blinked away the visions.

"Hey, are you okay?" I turned to see a beautiful red headed girl.

"I'm fine." I denied her generosity and continued my way. She must've been the new girl that lived there, and at this I allowed one last tear to fall.

I'm no longer Lucas, I'm Laramor, and that's who I shall forever be...
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awww this was a sad chapter in my opinion... I wanted to introduce some new characters, but ya... hope you liked.