‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"So tell me about your family."

We woke up hours ago, the sky outside suggested it was extremely early in the morning.

"So tell me about your family." I randomly brought up, wanting to get to know more of this girl I'm with.

"What's there to tell? My father is much like yours, he's a leader of his own little clan, and my brother Blake will be reigning next to him soon enough." She sighed and rolled over to face me. "And yours?"

"You already know mine." I chuckled and stared up at the ceiling.

"Not this family, I heard you lived with others?" She suggested, nuzzling her cheek into my chest.

"Oh. Them." I softly whispered, my mind often drifted of my old life but I usually fought the thoughts off. "Well, they were an amazing family."

"What happened?" She questioned, furrowed brows and all.

"My father and mother told me they didn't trust me anymore, mainly with Maxine." I coughed and stared out the window now. Anything to not have to look at Monique.

"Maxine?" Monique repeated with confusion.

"Yes, Maxine. She was my sister. You see we always knew I was adopted, she was my age, and I didn't look like any of them. Plus, I had a gift, something Maxine caught onto but our parents didn't. I mean, I never used the gift on my parents, I don't think I once tried too. Anyways, they didn't trust me around Maxine anymore, that's why I left." I explained, I felt a warm tear run down my cheek and mentally slapped myself. But soon felt her cold hand wipe it away.

"You loved them dearly, huh?" She proposed, licking her lips and looked away. I took in a deep breath and simply nodded.

"They were everything to me, but I mean my parents had a right. They could tell I had feelings for Maxine, feelings that were forbidden between brother and sister, regardless if we were blood or not. In a way, Maxine never treated me like a brother. We had moments that were sibling-like, but moments that weren't. You know? Like best friends that loved each other, but ignored it." I rambled, I hated to ramble but this time I embraced it. "Plus Maxine was with Stephen, how I loathe him. I made him stab himself, sent him to the hospital, and hoped that I got my point across. But I failed, just to find out he's my cousin, and they're back together. She knows he's my cousin, why would she do this?!"

"Relax, Lucas." Monique cooed, she touched my cheek and turned me to face her. "Please."

"Sorry." I sheepishly apologized, and stared into her beautiful chocolate eyes. "You remind me a lot of her. With the hair, eyes and all."

"Thanks?" She didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or an offense, I could tell she was confused and that caused me to chuckle.

"It's a good thing, Maxine is very beautiful and amazing. Except she has more green in her eyes." I observed and turned away. "Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I'm very much happy with you. I don't want you to be just some pet that my father gave me to screw or something, hence the reason I wanted to simply cuddle."

"Awe." She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "By the way, my birthday is well tonight. My father informed me three days ago that he's throwing a ball at his manor, you being my significant other must attend, along with your family of course. I mean this is the reason I'm with you, to bond the families together."

"Of course, I'd be honored." I assured, but her facial expression wiped away my smile.

"I wouldn't be honored, my father is a powerful two-faced man. I wouldn't be at all surprised if at dinner tonight, he steals me back and tries to kill your family. I'm unsure whether to warn your father of such events or not." She voiced her worries and sat up.

"We can manage ourselves." I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "I'm sure we wont be the only ones there, then? If your father is as powerful as you say."

"I'm his youngest daughter, I'm afraid it will be a big event." She frowned and got up to go use the restroom. I laid there with furrowed brows, if it's such a big event then I highly doubt her father would try such a thing? Maybe she is just being paranoid. I took in a deep breath and hoped for the best...
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Sorry so short... my mother is kicking me off the laptop :/ and they dont have a draft button...