‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"You just dont get it, do you?"

It's been a few months into school now, classes came back and my father surprisingly let the other's attend school. It was different, people were so intrigued by all the brother's. They watched us with excitement after hearing about our band, we have been practicing together for so long and held free little shows until it got so busy we had to start charging.

"I think we'll be a major hit after graduation." Nathan spoke while eating an apple.

"That's true." Xavier nodded with a huge grin on his face.

"I wonder what it'll do to us, though." Bailey pipped up, causing everyone to look around. Andrew and Denis were reading People magazine quietly and listening to us speak.

"I don't think it'll do anything to us, unless people start gossiping." Lenard joined in the group after getting his lunch.

"True." We all just stared at the magazine with envy and hope, the idea of becoming celebrities overwhelmed us. For once it wasn't about killing, or negativity. Instead we were going to make music and continued to write music.

"What do you guys think of this?" I abruptly asked with the notebook filled with lyrics in front of me. "I don't understand, I try so hard, but this demand makes me fall solid. I've done so many things I regret, I've seen so many things I wont forget..."

"Not bad." Nathan answered and the others agreed.

"All we need is music for it." The song was finished but that was simply a lyric in the song. "I'm thinking of making the whole I've done so many things I regret, I've seen so many things I wont forget like the chorus."

"That'd be cool." Xavier nodded and snagged Denis' soda.

"Asshole." Denis grumbled and got up to get another one.

"Think we should all move to like England?" Xavier suggested with his brows raised mischeviously.

"Why?" I furrowed mine.

"I want to get that amazing accent they have," He explained while staring at a picture of Russell Brand.

"That'd be cool." I shrugged at the idea, it didn't sound bad.

"Hey dudes." Stephen sat down with his tray. Although the beef between him and I died down, it was still obnoxious to be around him. Maxine walked by with her new group of friends and didn't even bother to look at me, it was like she never knew me.

"Why is she giving you the cold shoulder?" Nathan whispered.

"I don't know." I frowned, returning my attention back to the notebook.

"You only tried to save her." Nathan growled under his breath, staring intensely at Maxine.

"You weren't there for the rest, she's done with me." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Sure she is." Nathan scoffed then stood up right when the bell rang. "Come on bitches, lets finish this senior year right."


P.E. the period I had almost everyone with, it was just like lunch. We all went to our lockers and dressed out. I looked around to find Tabanca but still for months she hasn't attended. I took in a deep breath and resumed my position between my whole family.

"Hey guys." Kristen shyly greeted and walked over, sending Bailey a cute smile.

"You two?" I gestured to them both but they shook their heads.

"Naw, I'm engaged remember?" Bailey sighed, staring at the ring on his finger.

"It should be out of love!" Kristen screamed then covered her mouth, stared at Bailey with wide eyes then ran off.

"Awkward." Lenard commented while biting into a Snickers bar.

"Always eating damn." Andy aka Andrew shook his head before snatching the candy bar and running.

"So I've booked us a show." Nathan grinned.

"Really? You think we're ready?" I inquired, my eyes stalking everyone around with no particular interest.

"Defenitely." He said with such confidence. "Plus it'll be a learning experience, not like we haven't played in front of a crowd."

"True, but they're also our peers." I retorted with furrowed brows when my eyes found their way to Maxine.

"We'll do fine man, less than a month of highschool left. Then it's the big time, mas well prepare now." He grinned when the coach's called their students and we all went to our assigned coach. Maxine stood next to me with an irritated look, probably because I haven't changed my last name yet. Mainly because if I did I wouldn't be standing next to her anymore in P.E.

"Hey." I quitely greeted her, finally growing the balls to say something after all this time. But she didn't reply, instead she just stared straight at the coach.

"Maxine Jensen, Bailey Jensen." Our coach stopped to give us a look then continued, he knew there was something wrong but didn't say anything.

"Fine I'll change my last name so you dont have to be next to me anymore." I spat before turning away.

"That's best for both of us." She finally said something, even though it was harsh it made me smile. "Don't look so smug."

"I'm not, I'm just glad you finally addressed me." I assured with a grin and looked towards Bailey.

"You just dont get it, do you?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"What?" I replied with a cocked brow.

"I don't want anything to do with you, you think it's some game... but it's not." She took a breath and finally said before walking away.

"I love you too!" I hollered causing people to stare at us.

"Damn what happened?" Bailey came next to me and stared at Maxine.

"I don't know." I frowned when Kristen came over, causing Bailey to walk away.

"She's tired of you." Kristen whispered.

"Why?" I replied, my smile replaced with a frown.

"She wouldnt go into details, she just wants to live a normal life she said." Kristen explained for me, but I still didnt understand. Can Maxine not see how I've changed?

"I can give her a normal life." I smiled at the idea but Kristen shook her head.

"You cant give her anything without people thinking it's weird, remember they think you're blood related." Kristen scoffed and started walking away, when she realized she said that a wee bit too loud. Some girls over heard and gasped, then of course went to gossip.

"I cant wait for highschool to be over." I thought aloud to myself and found my way to my cousins.
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:) I hope you guys like this as much as I like writing it :p