‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...


Last week of highschool, and everything remained the same. Maxine still didnt want anything to do with me. My cousins played a gig and did a fairly good job, well lets just say we caught the attention of a music producer. I changed my last name to Demoncre, and we all decided that'd be the name of our band. Our fame was building and made it harder for highschool...

"Graduation practice is today, if you're late one day! You'll be kicked off." Our principal warned then sent us a look before finishing his boring lecture.

"Like we haven't done this the past two days." Lenard groaned before resting his head in his hands.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Denis agreed. Maxine stood up there with a smile at everyone.

"I'm pleased to speak on behalf of the Cheerleader's." She smiled cutely until her eyes met mine and then she frowned. "I hope we can do our little thing at tomorrow's graduation, root for us!"

"Root for tattas falling out!" Andy immaturely howled.

"Shut up, Andrew!" She screamed at him causing everyone to laugh. "Hey, who said all cheerleaders have to be nice?"


"What kind of dance do you think the cheerleaders are going to do?" It was graduation night and none of us were too excited. Sadly our whole family paid the school extra to be here.

"We have a show tonight soon." Nathan looked at his cellphone to check the time.

"After graduation, we go do the gig?" I asked and he nodded. "Nice."

"I cant wait to see you guys live." Some chick squealed, when I recognized her as the chick whom gave me her number so long ago.

"Thanks." We all said unison before returning to our conversation.

"I heard the cheerleader's thing was cancelled." Lenard came over drinking a soda.

"No drinks, Lenard." Jeff, head of security, came over and snatched it from him. "Now dont fuck tonight up with any pranks."

"We would never." I laughed and they joined in. Jeff simply sighed and walked off, but I swear I seen a smile on his face.

"Do you have the goods?" Xavier immediately whispered and I nodded, tapping the deflated beach ball that's under my shirt.

"Fo'sho." Lenard chuckled and we all grinned mischeviously.


"Damn they're all there." Bailey pointed towards our family in the stands. It was kind of hard seeing everyone in the stands with how far away they were but we made it work. It was boring listening to the speechs, just rent a movie and you'll hear the same basic thing.

"Is it time?" Lenard impatiently asked and Nathan shook his head.

"Not till we sit down and wait for the others to go." He chuckled and we all nodded with understanding.

After everyone was seated for the last speach, I bent over and started blowing the beach ball up. When we started the wave, I hit it out and everyone was excited. It was the biggest thing especially because we had the head of our principal printed on the ball.

"Who did this?!" Our principal screamed with a red face of embarrassment and anger. Jeff just smiled at us with a shake of his head and grabbed the ball to pop it.

"Aww." The graduates whined but we just laughed.

"I'm going to miss this school, the students and that damn staff." I smiled as we all sat down and waited for the last speach.

"Some of us are going to become famous, or become heros. Firefighters, and policeman. As for others, well atleast we know we'll see them at the fastfood resturaunts." Maxine mused at the mic causing everyone to laugh. "Depending how often you go there after you realized who's making your food that is."

"I think that was directed towards you." Lenard joked causing me to hit him on the back of his head. I returned my attention to Maxine and it was like everything around slowed down but her speaking.

"Dude, come on man. It's time to throw our hats up!" Nathan yelled in my ear snapping me out of reality, I must have dozed out of reality and missed all the other speechs from teacher's which I wasn't sad about. I stood up and threw my hat along with the others and caught it.

"To our lives man!" Bailey howled wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Hell yeah." I grinned and we all formally left the stands heading to our van to go to our show...
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sorry to rush it hahaha :) thanks for reading...and thanks for the comments too <3