‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"Don't pass this opportunity up, or you're fired."

I made it to my office and started to think about everything. Should I take this opportunity up or not? My boss came around the corner with a grin.

"I hear he invited you to go on the road with him?" My boss was always in everyone's business.

"Yeah." I muttered and went back to my phone, seeing what else he did.

"Lynni, dont pass this opportunity up." My boss warned causing me to turn my attention to him.

"Or what?" I retorted, challenging to see his reaction.

"Or you're fired." He spat and started walking away.

"But I already have a good story on him!" I called out, almost whining.

"I dont care, you can get an even better story. No one has ever been given this chance, so do it." He replied with his back to me and went inside his office without another word. I got up and followed, slamming his door open.

"This isn't fair, sir." I immediately jumped in defense.

"What isn't?" He growled, annoyed with my persistance.

"The fact that I'm forced into this." I explained with a frown.

"No one has ever been given this chance, if you're a true reporter, you'd take the opportunity. If not, well then you're wasting my time. I've helped the greatest reporters get where they are now, and I don't want my time wasted." He warned, I could tell if I continued that I'd be fired.

"Fine, I'll do it." I caved, good reporters would. A light smile appeared on his face and he nodded.

"Good, now get out of my office, and find out when he's picking you up." He ordered then turned his attention to his computer. I walked away with a sigh and back to my office. Suddenly my phone rang, it was a strange number.

"Lynni speaking." I answered.

"You in?" It was Luke's voice, now how the hell did he know?

"...Yes." I simply answered and could almost feel his grin through the phone.

"Good, I'll have a car pick you up first thing in the morning." Wasn't he being a little pushy?

"So soon?" I retorted and heard him chuckle.

"Good night," he said before hanging up. How annoying, I sat there with my teeth gritted when Oscar came in the office.

"What's up?" He asked, walking over smoothly.

"Nothing, I'm going to be M.I.A for awhile." I muttered and almost immediately Beatrix popped up with a confused expression.

"Is it because of what I just over heard?" She immediately inquired with her brows furrowed. I simply nodded. "You dont have too."

"Actually she does if she wants to keep her job, I suggest you both keep yourselves out of this. Especially you Oscar, you're the best here at this moment, it'd be a shame to lose you." Our boss pipped in and slammed his door shut.

"You have my number, need anything, use it." Oscar whispered and walked inside our boss's office. What he thinks he can sweet talk our boss into not making me do this? I rolled my eyes in Beatrix's direction.

"I'll see you around." I sighed, getting my stuff together, shutting my computer off and left.

I decided to just go home and start packing my stuff. It was the best thing, since I'm unsure of exactly what time Luke was going to have his ride come get me. My little sister entered the room with narrowed eyes.

"Who was that out there earlier?" She questioned, welcoming herself into MY room.

"Get out." I flatly answer, not in the mood to argue at this moment.

"Where are you going?" She continued, her eyes softening now.

"I'm on a story, and have to be gone for awhile." I explained and she sighed.

"The Demoncre's dont have the best reputation, even if they're absolutely amazing!" She boasted, then calmed herself down when she noticed I didnt do my usual arguing back. "Man, you really aren't happy about this?"

"Oh totally ecstatic!" I sarcastically replied while zipping my suitcase up.

"What's going on?" Our mother entered the room and eyed my stuff down.

"I'm going on a business trip." I explained causing her to huff.

"A business trip? Where? With who? And why?" She immediately did the whole motherly-questions.

"The Demoncre's, I'm doing a story on them and have been invited to go on tour with them for a story." I rolled my eyes. "And for work."

"You honestly are willing to go?" She mused with a light laugh.

"No." I growled and shifted my eyes to hers. "I'd rather do a story on the different types of dog shit, but I cant do that."

"Watch your language, Lynni. And just tell your boss, or whoever, you dont want to go." She acted as if it were that easy.

"Either I go, or get fired." I decided to elaborate so she'd leave me alone on the subject, and sure enough she did.

"Well sweety, let me know before you leave and make sure to answer my texts or something." She mumbled and grabbed my little sister dragging her out of my room.
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Dun dun dun!!! Hope you're liking it so far, feedback would be wonderful <3