‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"you're adopted speech"

It was like old times having Noelle on the back of my motorcycle, I smiled to myself while speeding out of the parking lot passing that Tab chick up. We drove around for awhile just enjoying this moment till we got to my place. I helped her off and set my stand out with a smile.

"Like old times." I murmured and she returned the smile. When her phone went off and she looked at the ID, her smile faded. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." She quickly answered and ignored the person's call, silencing it. I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"Who was that?" I demanded to know.

"My drug dealer." She roboticaly answered and covered her mouth.

"Drug dealer? Noelle." I growled when the door opened and my dad came outside.

"About time, your sister got home twenty minutes ago and said you-oh... Lucas, remember our talk." My father reminded, which meant send Noelle home.

"You can walk home from here." I spat at her, she sent me a pleading look but hung her head low and walked off. I turned to my dad with a dead expression and went inside. I collapsed on the couch and noticed Maxine in the room as well.

"Alright Maxine, go upstairs." Our mom ordered, she gave our mom a bewildered look.

"Isn't this about me too?" She questioned but our mom shook her head. Maxine didn't have to be told twice and quickly left, obviously if she stuck around it might turn into her business.

"Lucas, we know you've noticed a few things about the family that are different with you." My father started, he took a seat and held my mom's hand.

"If this is the whole 'you're adopted' speech, don't worry you're right I already noticed." I lightly chuckled, they made it seem like a big deal. "You're both my parents no matter what."

"We figured you'd noticed seeing as Teresa is a red head and I'm a blond, and you are neither." My father said my mom's name as though she weren't my mom.

"Teresa?" I repeated with furrowed brows.

"I meant, you're mom." He quickly corrected himself and I nodded.

"Does this mean you don't want me anymore?" I choked out, was this his way of saying they don't want me?

"You're turning eighteen and we figured it's about time you read what your biological mother gave us when she sent you here." My mom quietly spoke in a whisper, I kept my brows furrowed and looked down at the small folded paper in her hands that looks like it was only opened once then one in an envelope that's never been opened.

"We didn't feel it was right to read what she wanted you to know, we kind of feared it with the way she talked about your biological father." My dad added as I accepted the letters. I stared down at them with question, then shifted my attention to them.

"I don't care to read them." I shrugged with a smile. "You both are my parents and I don't want to know why she left me."

"She wasn't being selfish, honey." My mom assured.

"I'm glad she left me here, I have the best parents and a loving sister." I smiled but they frowned.

"We can't care for you after you turn eighteen, we can't." My dad abruptly informed, I took in a deep breath.

"Why not?" I didn't want to push them into keeping me, if they didn't want me then what ever but I wanted to know why.

"Because Maxine is turning into an adult too, and now that we know for sure you know you two aren't related we don't want anything to happen between the both of you, I'm sure you understand?" He explained causing me to nearly choke on my own breath.

"Wait, you think we're going to elope if she finds out as well?" I chuckled at the idea.

"Don't act like it hasn't crossed your mind." My mom demanded, her more stern side kicking in.

"I mean sure, she's a good looking girl but she's my sister. That's gross." I shuddered though part of me has fantasized about it.

"Not by blood." my dad reminded at which I nodded.

"Regardless." I corrected but my mom shook her head.

"We've heard how people say you both act like you're dating." She sighed.

"You're going to listen to rumors? It's only because we are really close and we don't look alike, if you could tell we were siblings no one would question because we do have a strong bond." I defended but why weren't they listening? I took in a deep breath when Maxine squealed from upstairs.

"You got me a lock for my door? Yes!" She screamed with delight and rushed down stairs, that's when my heart sank. I realized now that they didn't trust me, but what gave them this idea? "Ha, ha loser."

"Maxine don't flirt with Lucas!" My dad screamed causing Maxine to quickly stop.

"Gross dad, he's my brother, and what's with you talking like that? Especially around Stephen." Maxine questioned when our mom got up and put a hand on Maxine's arm.

"Ignore your father, he's being testy lately." Our mom assured and escorted Maxine up stairs.

"You don't...trust me?" I stammered once they were out of the room, I turned my attention to my dad and frowned.

"Not that we don't trust you." He started with the bull shit.

"If you want me out of the house, I'll leave right now." I growled and stood up.

"Not till you're eighteen." He sternly informed.

"Fuck that." I spat.

"Language." He scolded.

"You don't want me, remember?" I snatched the letters and shook my head. "I guess I'll just move out, and I don't know!"

"What about school?" My dad sighed.

"Don't fucking worry about me." I spat and hurried up the stairs, my mom came out of Maxine's room and tried to stop me from slamming the door and propping the chair against it.

"Lucas please, it's not that we don't love you." She cooed from outside of my room but I shook my head, I grabbed my suitcase from under the bed, the one I use when we travel and started throwing boxers and pants and shirts in it.

"No you both have made it very clear, but what I don't understand is why you accepted me knowing you had a girl. Like what the fuck?!" I screamed out, unable to control my emotions. Guys aren't supposed to cry but what else is there for me to do? I opened my window when I heard Maxine's voice.

"Mom, dad, Luke and I aren't like that. I love him like a brother, please..." Maxine cried but I simply shook my head, tossed my suitcase down turned back and grabbed my phone with it's charger and climbed down the tree.
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aww poor Lucas :(